New people, new life

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"Move out the way!"

"I'm looking at her!"

"Shove off!"

"Guys, what are you doing?"

"Looking at this girl."

"No! We were monitoring her behaviour for signs of-"

"Shut up moron!"

Voices start to drift into my head. They sound like they're arguing. For a while I think I'm dreaming, but I have control over my body, so I'm sure I'm not.

"She's so pretty..."

"Ouch! You just trod on my toe!"

"She's waking up!"

There is a silence. I open my eyes and almost scream. Four boys are craning their heads to stare at me. I feel really high up. I look down and realise I'm in a bunk bed.

"Hi, I'm Robin, it's a pleasure to meet-"

"Shut up! Sorry about him, I'm Gus-"

"who the hell are all of you?" I ask, not meaning to be so rude . They look bewildered for a second, then one boy comes forward. He is quite nerdy looking with brown curly hair and round massive spectacles that distort his eyes.

"Hello. My name is Viktor and these are my colleagues; Gus, Robin and Kyas." I stare at him. He seems very...weird.

"Well...hi? Has anyone seen Janet? Or...Luke?" Just saying his name makes me swell with anger.

"I have." A deep mysterious voice says. A boy who looks about seventeen steps towards me. He has dark brown eyes and jet black hair.

"They are in a meeting at the moment, they should be out soon-"

"Ah! She's awake!" Luke comes in the room carrying a plate of toast. I glare at him and remember punching him in the nose which makes me feel better.

"Don't talk to me you jerk!" One of the boys sniggers and then howls with pain when Luke kicks him in the leg.

"What are you talking about? I saved you from being blown to bits!" I am confused, I wasn't about to be blown to bits when he ditched me in a puddle. I must look confused too, because he continues talking. "Your house went up in flames."

"What!?" I shout. I think of all my stuff and my mums stuff and Josh's stuff and my letter to my sister Emily!

"Sorry, I er, thought you knew..." Awkward pause.

"Well thanks for ditching me in a puddle! I thought I was gonna die!" I find something else insulting to throw at him.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were fast enough to keep up with me! You seem pretty tough."

"Oh I feel so special!" I turn away.

"I'm sorry." Something cuts my heart. The way he said it with no sarcasm and it felt like he really meant it. Now I'm sorry for shouting...and punching him in the nose.

"Where the hell am I?"

"The base, basically where we hide from his 'royal highness'."He seemed glad at the change of subject. I climb down from the bunk and face him properly.

"Where's Janet? I didn't see her last night." Memories of last night seem to make him tense.

"She's...having breakfast." He glances nervously at the deep, mysterious boy.

"I don't care ok!? Couldn't care less!" The boy shouts and storms out the room. Luke grimaces.

"Man, I touched a nerve there." He says.

"You sure did." The boy called Kyas says.

"What are you talking about?" I ask befuddled. Luke turns to me.

"That was Lonny. Him and Janet have...history." I didn't know Janet had a boyfriend.

I don't really know Janet anymore.

"I'm gonna find her." I start forward, when Luke stops me.

"Whoa! You don't know the routes and codes out there, I've gotta come with you." He blushes instantly.

"Yeah, whatever." He opens the door for me and I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Manners go a long way." He says grinning.
"He's high again." I mutter and Luke laughs.

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