Unexpected visitors

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The dark swallows the sky like a frog catching a fly.
I didn't mean for that to rhyme.
There is now an edgy look to the people around us, like they want us to leave.
"I think we should go," Luke mutters, eyeing one particularly creepy guy. I nod in agreement, but Janet shakes her head.
"No. The flat is around here. I swear." We circle the area one more time, before. Janet finally leaps up and scurries off.
"She's like a little mouse," Luke observes. I laugh and agree. The flat is shadowed by a bridge above it and the door is hanging off its hinges. I frown and so does Janet.
"Someone got here before us." She mutters the words in my mind. She turns to Luke and I.
"Don't follow me." Then she squeezes through the gap and disappears inside. Luke rolls his eyes.
"She thinks she so clever." He says. He sighs and begins to carefully slip through the gap in the doorway.
"Wait! She said not to follow!" I protest. Luke rolls his eyes.
"Fine, I'll go on my own." I glare at him and then hurry through the gap as well. Inside, the floor creaks wherever I step.
"We're making too much noise," I whisper to Luke who I can't see.
"Yeah." He agrees in the darkness. "Just be quiet, we need to find Janet." I am about to say something, when voices drift into my head. At first, I think I am imagining them, but then Luke whispers-
"Can you hear that?" I nod. We follow the sound until a half open door stands in front of us. I peer through the gap.
There are four people in the room. Janet, a boy I distantly recognise and two other boys, one I assume is Sebastian Buckley. Luke pokes his head through to look and his eyes widen. I look at him.
"What?" I ask quietly. He takes his head out from the gap and stares at the floor.
"I knew it. I knew it, I knew it." I roll my eyes.
"Just tell me!" He stares at me.
"That's Lonny." He says slowly. I try to remember Lonny.
"Janet's-" Luke begins.
"-ex boyfriend!" I finish.

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