Chapter 1

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I wondered around town a bit today.
I stood out in a crowd because of my hair.
The hair is what inspired my gangs name.
My hair is pure white. And my eyes are crimson.
People use to bully me saying they turned red after the amount of blood i saw.

I was a bartender

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I was a bartender.
I said was. I got fired today after i shoved a pint glass half way up a customers ass after he grabbed my breast.
Not exactly my fault.

I came down an alleyway and a battle was going on. Not like i cared much.

"Hey isn't that the white gangs leader. What do people call her... Ghost!"
I felt something fly towards me and i grabbed it.
"Who the fuck threw a bloody vending machine at me! Wanna fucking fight you bastards!"
Everyone pointed towards a blonde who clearly had a similar fashion taste. Professional clothes but stupid fucking glasses.
I threw it at him and he stumbled slightly.
I think every one was slightly in shock that what seemed like a weak woman was incredibly strong and could hurl a vending machine.
"I am the Monster of Ikubukuro. So you can fuck off you blonde shit. You will never be stronger."

I walked away and began to smoke.
What the fuck have i got myself into?

I froze.
I left my fucking book back their.

I walked back and saw the blonde bastard with my book.

" Missing something? "
" I would appreciate if you would return that. "
" What does a name with an X mean and a name with a tally."
"I carry it as my way of redemption. An X is who i killed. A tally is how many times i sent someone in critical condition to a hospital. Now i would like this returned."
"Whatever. Next time i see you, ill fucking kill you."
"What ever you say."

I got home.

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