Chapter 4

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Shizuo POV

When she came in me and Ryan tried to have a fight but she ran off upstairs. I chased after her only to hear her crying in the bathroom.
I tried the door but she locked it.

What the hell is wrong with this girl, what has the flea got on her?

I cam back downstairs.
"Who is she. Honestly?"
"That is not my place to say. But, no matter what, she will always choose her family and friends over her self. She proved that last week when she took 5 bullets to protect her son and my daughter."

Wait she did that? And she's walking?
"Wait so she heals quickly like me?"
"No. She actually takes longer. She shouldn't be able to stand which is why i think she pulled her stitches out."
What stitches.
Wait is that why she left her son with me when she left Simon's?

"Do you know what Izaya has on her atleast?"
"Her family's number. He threatened to tell her family where she is. She has been hiding since she got pregnant at 15. She gave birth when she was 16. Back then i was 26 and i let her stay with me and i helped her. I had both of my children back then. Their mother died during child birth of Rias. After a while we managed to buy her a house. "
" How did you two meet? "
" She tells people i owed her a debt. I found her breastfeeding in rags in the street. I couldn't leave a mother and child like that so i took them in. It shook me more when i learnt her past and how old she really was. She was covered in bruises, cuts and she clearly gave birth in a street as there was the cord was next to her. No way she could have afforded the hospital in her condition. "

So many questions.
But mostly.
What happened to her in the past, and who is she really?

Your POV

I must have fell asleep in the bathroom. I woke up on the bathroom door to loud banging and moaning.

" Sorry i fell asleep. "

Nagisa just shoved me put the bathroom.

"Rin, we are going to an office. We are changing our last name. It's for our safety."

I got changed and so did Rin.

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