1. Partners

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I started this book back in December 2018, it is now April 25, 2019 so I know I have been lazy if I'm not done by now but I hope y'all like it!

Na'Skailar's pov


I jumped out of my deep sleep and almost out my seat when the bell rung to dismiss 3rd block, i heard a few laughs but i was to sleepy to give a fuck, i got out of my seat and headed to the hallway to my locker i checked my face and my hair and fixed it in my mirror i had in my locker since it was kinda messed up from my sleep. I applied more lipgloss and put my bookbag in my locker and headed to lunch.

My bestfriend wasn't at our usual seat yet so i sat down and decided to post the picture I took earlier.

My bestfriend wasn't at our usual seat yet so i sat down and decided to post the picture I took earlier

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Liked by jmel4, mvp.iyana, paris.Noelle...

Tasteme.Skai_: Ice me out nigga.❄😩❤

Paris.Noelle_: baddest in da game😍😍

Goat_78: 😩😩😩

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By this time Paris was already sitting down.

"Hey Na'Skailar" i turned around and saw some freshman girl.

"Hey" i said smiling, i guess you might can tell now im pretty popular.

"Girl i got the tea" i tuned into what Paris was saying.


"So how about Jaila sucked Luke up in the bathroom this morning" i cringed

"Luke? The fine ass mix boy?" she nodded "damn he get down like that"

"Apparently, but that's not all.... He paid her $5 for it" i choked on my gum, WHAT THE FUCK!!!

"I know you fucking lying, 5 damn dollars..... You can find that on the ground"

"Exactly" i shook my head, this school full of dumb ass people. Can't wait to graduate in June.

We got up and skipped the entire line, once we got to the front i smiled at the 2 sophmore girls and they smiled back politely, just then 2 tall ass niggas walked up and tried to pass I THINK THE FUCK NOT, you not finna get between me and my food.

I looked at these motherfuckers and ofcourse its Cameron and Luke the nigga i wanna strangle 24/7 & his nasty ass bathroom head receiver of a side kick.

"Uh uh nigga get back" i said pushing Cameron back

"You better get yo nasty ass hands off me"

"And you better get behind us the fuck"

"Yeah ion know who the hell yall think yall are" Paris said stepping beside me

"Man move yall holding up the line" Luke said getting aggravated

"Ight bet" ima show his ass, i don't even want that nasty ass turkey and rice they be having i passed the little bit of people in front of me and got a salad, i gave the lunch lady Linda my name and $2 for my lunch fee then went to my seat, i could see Cameron and Luke mugging me. I stuck up my middle finger and did my head like the man from beyond scared straight while i put ranch on my salad and dug in, while Paris followed suit.

 I stuck up my middle finger and did my head like the man from beyond scared straight while i put ranch on my salad and dug in, while Paris followed suit

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"Good afternoon class and welcome to the last class of the day" Mr. H said writing something on the board, but i wasn't paying attention, Mr.H is just to damn sexy, well i know him as Daryl. Yes Daryl, me and him know eachother on a "personal" level.

One day last year i was failing and my English teacher wouldn't tutor me so i asked him for help, after a month one thing led to another and we kissed and I mean tongued each other down, he was feeling all on me and my lil virgin ass had a puddle down there. After that we pretty much avoided eachother until i needed his help again, we started back tutoring and everything was good but one day he had to do home tutoring cause it wasn't his day to stay after school. Long story short we kept making eye contact and flirting with each other and then we ended up hooking up, its been a year now.

"MISS. HARRIS!" i stopped staring and i realized he was talking to me. "are you even paying attention?"

HELL NO! i was thinking bout how sexy you is and how that tongue work have me in cloud ni- SNAP OUT OF IT!

"O- oh im sorry, what were you saying?"

"Im was getting your attention to assign you your partner for this project" Project, ohhh shit!

"Okay who is my partner?"

"Cameron Marshell" my eyes shot open, and I jumped out of my seat.

"WHAT?!" Me and Cameron said at the same time.

"No hell naw, i don't want her to be my partner"

"I don't wanna be yo damn partner either"

"Well either partner up or take this 0, Mr. Marshell that 79 you got will be a 69 if you don't do this but if you do it'll go up 10 points instead of down" he looked like he was thinking for a minute.

"Man whatever" he slumped in his seat and i sat back down

"So what is it? You gonna partner up or you gonna take the 0?"

"Man ima do it damn" he said in a low tone

"Great, now what is it for you Miss. Harris?" ouuuu the way my name roll off his tongue

"Y-yes ima do it" why the hell am i stuttering

"Good, the topic you have is drugs"

"Stuttering mothafucker" Cameron said low but i heard him, i just ignored him and took out my phone to text Paris.

Me: Mr.H partnered me up with Cameron for some damn project👎

BsffParis💜: Bitchhh stop lying!!

Me: chile, i wish i was😒

"Phones up" he said eyeing me down, i stuck my phone in my purse and focused on the instructions for this project.

"This is not a class project it's to be done outside of school, and it is due monday" WOW a whole weekend with this mothafucker. I let out a huge sigh.

This finna be a long ass assignment

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This was not my best but it gets better💯 i hope yall enjoyed

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