10- Dead bitches walking

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I walked into the school, i CANNOT believe this girl pregnant with his baby. I mean that nun of my business but i know what kind of girl she is and i don't want cam to have to go through all of that drama. And me dealing with him will bring it all on me, especially since she seen it.

I stopped by the bathroom and fixed my lipgloss, when i walked out and i heard someone call my name. UGH! I Mentally rolled my eyes and turned around.

Cameron walked up to me but stood at a safe distance.


"Im sorry you had to see that" he said looking in my eyes letting me know he meant it.

"Its okay, but i mean that's really nun of my business" I said switching the weight off of my right foot to my left. He sighed and looked back.

"She kno that's not my baby" i tilted my head.

"Well everybody know you was fucking her, did you use protection?" he looked at me like I was actually crazy, I know one thing he better fix is face.

"Yes, I wrap up everytime. Only female I ever fucked raw is you Skailar"

"okay but I know the real her. Just be careful and keep the drama away from me" And she started walking away.

"ight bruh whatever" we walked in class late as hell, when we went in Daryl was looking at me weird but I just looked away.

After 15 minutes me and Cam finally got to present, we did really well and made an 97 on the whole thing. I think we deserved more points but I mean we passed wit an A.

"Very good on your projects class, we have one more project before the quarter is over"


Cameron Was on his phone to much to pay attention. Skailar was texting back and forth with Paris telling her what was happening. Out of nowhere loud girls barged in the class Skailar looked up to see a group of girls come in. And she quickly notice them as Breah friends. Cam locks his phone and looks up as they walk over.

"So Wassup bitch" the skinny toothpick ass bitch said.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me you out here being a hoe taking Breah's man?" Skailar scrunched up her face but before she could say anything cam did

"She was not my girl first of all just a quick fuck"

"You ah stupid ass nigga, she told me yo dick small any way" The class ooh'd and ahh'd

"I mean you was the one in my Dm 2 days ago asking for dick. Wanna see right now?" Everyone including Skailar had a shocked look on their face.

"Fuck you"

"OKAY THATS ENOUGH, ladies back to
Class" Mr.H said pointing to the door but instead one of the girls hit Skailar causing her to shoot up and hit the girl knocking her down but her friends jumped in trying to jump her. Cam watched as Skailar beat all of they ass but as they started to win he got worried.

So he did what any friend would do.......

He even beat the nigga with the dreads up.

"YALL SOME DEAD BITCHES WALKING I TELL YOU THAT!" Skailar said as Mr. H pulled her outta the class.

"What was that about Skailar?" Daryl asked

"Breah mad for a lot of reasons all going back to Cam"

"Well why did she send those girls"

"I DONT KNOW OKAY?! I'm mad and I need to cool down"

"I understand and I know your not that type of girl to be in all types of drama you are actually a very wonderful person Skai, and I'm going to tell the whole truth for you and Cam cause them hoes know they wild for jumping you" Skailar laughed at his transformation from Mr.H to Daryl that fast.

"So you and Cam huh?" She looked up at his beautiful face.

"What about us?"

"Y'all real close now" she smiled slightly and looked down

"Thanks to you" he nodded and looked to the side before focusing back on her.

"I miss you Skai"

"No you don't"

"Yes I do, whether you realize or not our worlds would never let us be together but I loved you I still do. I broke up with my girlfriend cause you helped me realize that just because we have a daughter together doesn't mean he have to be together. And I thank you" she smiled

"Your welcome"

"Now you gon ahead to the principles office and I'll check up on you later today okay"

"Okay" she pulled him into a hug catching him by surprised but he hugged her back and then pulled away and nodded at her walking back into the class.

"Okay" she pulled him into a hug catching him by surprised but he hugged her back and then pulled away and nodded at her walking back into the class

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She waited for 2 minutes before Cam came outside the class room, he was breathing hard with red eyes and he was shaking his wrist. She knew from past experiences not to fuck wit him when he in that state.

She grabbed his arm but he jerked away!

"Oh what you mad?"

"Skai not now"

"Not now?! Your not the one with a busted lip and headache so shut the hell up..... bitch ass can't even apologize" She heard him sigh and he rubbed his hands down his face.

"Your right I'm sorry Na'Skailar. I caused this and you got jumped because of it but im gonna get her don't worry" he grabbed her arm and pulled her into a hug. She hugged back until their names got called on the speaker a they headed to Dr. Webblon office.


Phew Chile! Breah got some smoke comin her way 👀

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