6. F'd in....

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Im putting the finishing touches to my outfit, Shaun talked to boss man and since my daddy his business partner he knew automatically, yea he mad but he understands that this is Skailar's choice and she only doing it to protect herself. My job is to just watch after her for right now, even though i'd rather be doing my own thing. i think pops kinda mad she wasn't a virgin shoot i was shocked.

Once i was done i walked next door and knocked on the Harris Family door.

Skailar came to the door dressed, i swear she be on her shit!

Skailar came to the door dressed, i swear she be on her shit!

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"You look nice" she said walking into the house

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"You look nice" she said walking into the house.

"preciate it"

"My mom & dad are sleep so try to keep quiet" she said walking to her room

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"My mom & dad are sleep so try to keep quiet" she said walking to her room.

We walked in and i sat on her bed while she did her finishing touches or whatever.

"Didn't know you carried pocketbooks" she said laughing

"Man gon head" she came and laid across her bed beside me getting on her phone.

"Im scared" i looked at her and she sighed.

"Scared of what? I might not like you but you know me and my brothers ain't gonna let nun happen to you, or my pops." i spoke truthfully

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