5. i want in

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Cam pov

I was standing outside talking to my pops when Skailar pulled back up.

"What the fuck" my dad said walking down the steps, i looked good and seen my car window was busted out and im fucking livid.

"Bitch what the fuck is wrong with you?!!! Are you fucking mental? Man pops you better get the hoe before i clock her dumbass" my pops ain't even say nun letting me know he was pissed too, Skailar ain't even get out the car she was just staring straight ahead at nothing with a blank look. I was basically marching. When my dad got close he stopped in his tracks.

"Oh shit!" he opened the door and grabbed her arm. She yelled out, my confused ass started seeing it, gun shots all in the door and hood of my car. I immediately felt bad, somebody shot my fucking car up with her in it and im blaming her calling her bitches and shit like its her fault.

"She bleeding" my dad said making me run up, she wasn't crying or nothing she was just staring straight ahead.

"Skailar! You okay?.... SKAILAR!" my dad said trynna get her attention she slowly looked at him and looked but it was like she wasn't there. She traumatized.

"What happened?" it took her a minute but she finally said something

"My heart dropped to my ass that's what happened" she took my keys out and tossed them to me grabbing the ice and a bag of hot fries getting out.

"The bullet ain't go in but it hit my arm, shit burn like fuck" she said standing there, my dad guided her in the house and i sent a text to Quin telling him to take the girls upstairs and keep em there.

We walked into the house and my mother saw she was covered in blood.

"Oh my fuck" she said dropping a spoon and getting the first aid. Shaun was looking with wide eyes.

After cleaning her up in silence and hearing her hiss here and there we made her tell us what happened.

"I was getting the ice like y'all wanted, after i put the ice in the car and walked to the other side i noticed a car coming down the street, no lights & driving slow as hell then everybody started going different ways... Although i should have known & it should have clicked with me that this was a fucking drive by it didn't... Ughhhh im so dumb" she said dropping her head in her hands and busted out crying, my mother rubbed her back as Skailar shook.

".... And when i shut the door they shot the window out, i could hear the fucking bullets passing my head my whole life could of been gone like that, then that's when the bullet gazed my arm" she stopped and let out a sigh.

"Im sorry this happened to you baby" my mother said as she smoothly rubbed up and down her arm

"Where you got the ice from?" Shaun asked


"CARTERS?" Me, Shaun, and my dad asked/yelled in unison

"Yea everything was basically closed" damn she right but that's enemy territory, no wonder her ass got shot at they thought it was me.

"Got damnit Skailar" my dad said going upstairs im guessing to handle some shit. If i had of fucking went maybe i woulda been the one with- nah fuck that we wouldn't be on that side at all. Shit dangerous.

My mom looked at me with clenched jaws, prolly pissed ian go with her, this partially my fault but in reality it's really nobodies. She moved her eyes in the direction of a stressed Skai, i suck my teeth in my head.

"Ayo, lemme holla at you right fast" i said walking to my room, she followed me.... Once the door was shut she sat on my bed and i sat at my desk just staring at her arm.

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