15- Mr. H

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that following morning Skailar woke up too Cameron snoring with the cover half on him and half off. She giggled a bit at the site and climbed out of bed, she went into the bathroom and took a shower and brushed her teeth, she went into the closet in her bathroom and get an extra tooth brush and rag and towel for Cameron, then proceeded to go get some food for them.

Cameron rolled over and yawned, he noticed Skai wasn't in bed so he rubbed the crust out of his eyes and grabbed his phone sending her a text to see where she was.

Cameron rolled over and yawned, he noticed Skai wasn't in bed so he rubbed the crust out of his eyes and grabbed his phone sending her a text to see where she was

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He laughed and got out of bed, he walked into Skailars room and saw she had everything sat up for him to bathroom.

Plugging up his phone to her speaker and blasting music he hopped in the shower.

20 mins later

Cameron walked out the bathroom and saw Skailar sitting on the bed eating. He sat beside her and opened his plate.

"Thank you" he said digging in, they sat there in a awkward yet comfortable silence. Once they finished eating Skailar grabbed his plate and went to throw them away.

Skailars phone dinged indicating she had a text, Cameron ignored it until it dinged again and he glanced at it until he saw the name.

Hey Skailar, we haven't talked in a while and I just wanted to see if you wanted to go with me and Maddison to have some lunch tomorrow.

That is if you want too though, Maddison has been asking about you.

He scrunched up his face reading the massages, so many thoughts started swarming his mind. Was she still talking to him? Why is he texting her phone anyway?

Skailar walked in the room and sat down.

"So are we going to talk about how you stayed the ni-" she started before he rudely interrupted her

"Let's talk about why Mr.H texting yo phone" she balled up her face and grabbed her phone off the bed to look at the message.

"I swear I haven't been talking to him" that was the first thing that came out of her mouth, it was the truth but she felt like she just HAD to explain herself.

"You sure? Cause why he feel so comfortable texting your phone?" She snatched her head back and stared at him like he was crazy.

"First of all why the hell do you even care?" This made him mad, he stood up and started pacing the floor.

"Cause I don't fucking share pussy, you fucking him too? Cause if so then I don't want shit else to do with you. Knew your pussy wasn't the way I left it" he started grabbing his stuff, Skailars chest started aching.

"HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT TO ME?" She said standing up, he hurt her feelings bad trying to play her like a hoe. She walked behind him and started hitting his back yelling at him to get out and don't fuck with her no more.

"You not finna keep hitting me"

"GET OUT!" She said hitting him again. He grabbed her and pushed her on the bed holding her hands above her head. The had an intense stare off as both of their chest rose up and down violently.

Cameron couldn't take it nomore he crashed his lips into hers, they shared an intense make out session before he stood back up and just left. She was left sitting on her bed confused as fuck.




Skailar looked at her phone for the thousandth time in 10 minutes trying to decide if she had ignored Cameron enough, he felt extremely bad and had reached out to her about what he said but she was being petty ignoring him but it was tearing her up inside to not text back. She finally did.

Just because your mad doesn't mean you can talk to me any kind of way, I have feelings and you hurt them.

Instead of texting back he FaceTimes her and she waited until the 5th ring to answer.

"I completely understand" is the first words to leave his mouth, she stay quiet and let him continue

"I just know y'all history and I got mad because I felt like you was going back to him" that alone mad Skailar scrunch up her face

"I'm not going back to him, i haven't even been responding so don't even try to use that as an excuse"

"Okay you right, ima come give you a massage to make up for it" he said smirking into the camera, she bit her lip and laughed lightly.

"fine, but your on pussy restriction until further notice" he gasped and she laughed

"You worse than me so you'll give in faster than you think" he said smiling, he just loved to talk to her, she truly was his bestfriend before anything.

"Yeah yeah"

The two continued there FaceTime call for 5 hours before they got off because Cameron was outside. He gave her the massage he promised & they walked next door so he can teach Skailar how to play 2k. They ended there not cuddled up under one another, watching Martin.

Cameron woke up in the middle of the night & just stared at Skailar, he looked at every feature from her eyebrows, to her close eyes, to her nose, & the lips that he was so addicted too. He kissed her forehead and then her lips and got up to get his phone. Skailar stirred in her sleep but didn't wake up, when he got back in bed he body automatically cling to his and he laughed. He got up one last time to pee & when he got back in bed he made sure to wrap himself up in Skailar and go back to sleep.

 He got up one last time to pee & when he got back in bed he made sure to wrap himself up in Skailar and go back to sleep

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This was lousy but I still updated for you guys😌

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2019 ⏰

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