doUblE dAtE?

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The two couples peacefully walked the paths of the park, which led to many different and unique places to admire and explore.

Connor and Nines' hands were intertwining with one another, their synthetic skin peeled back as a sign that they were comfortable being in public with each other- after all the war between androids and humans was long over; perhaps a few (six to be exact) months maybe? Who knows really, no on really dwelled on the past.

Next to the RK pair were Gavin Reed and Connor -60. The two awkwardly walked next to each other, not making eye contact nor even attempting to bring their gazes up to acknowledge one another. It was Ying and Yang, a pair who were madly in love with each other, and the other, couldn't be more socially (awkward) driven apart.

A/N: ... Yep, I'm definitely making a one shot book to put shit like this in on the go....

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