HeRe yOu ReED90o fAnS, I hAtE mySelf fOr dOinG dIS To CONNor

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The RK900 model walked into the station, looking cleaner, neater, and more stylishly fit (in a way) than usual. Connor's brown eyes scanned his newer and more efficient model, curious as to why his looks and his overall appearance were more attractive today. Walking straight past the small android, Nines made his way over to Gavin's desk, placing a soft kiss onto his forehead before sitting down next to him. Connor's small heart felt like it was being pulled down to his non existent stomach as he watched RK900 give Gavin the affection he longed to have.

A/N: Oof, this was really just fluff practice and shit. Something like this will most likely be in one of my stories- the probability of it being closer to the end being higher than the actual main plot. Buuuut yeah, have a jelly/sad Connor who just wants soft kisses from Nines but can't have them because of Gavin :/ (no hateee plllzzzzzz ;----;)

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