(23) - Michael & Holly

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Cherry and I spent the night at Monica's place so that Emerson and Shy could have the house to themselves. Cherry slept with Mon and I. There wasn't anywhere else for her to sleep, other than the couch, and she didn't want to be away from me, not that I blamed her. I got the best nights sleep I had in a long while.


When I woke up both Monica and Cherry were gone. I could hear a lot of giggles coming from the kitchen. I crawled out of bed and went to investigate. In the kitchen Monica and Cherry were making pancakes. Cherry was sitting on the counter eating blueberries while Monica flipped the pancakes.
"Alrighty." Monica said and put her spatula down. "Should we go get Daddy up?" She asked Cherry. Cherry grinned and nodded. She shoved the last few blueberries she was holding into her mouth and put her arms up for Monica. Monica picked her up and set her on her hip. "Your hands are all purple!" Monica said, holding up on of Cherry's hands. Cherry giggled.
"Morning ladies." I said, stepping into the kitchen.
"Deedee! Monima an I's matin' pantates!" Cherry exclaimed. "An I's pupple!" She showed me her hands and I smiled.
"You are purple." I took her from Monica and gave Mon a kiss. "Can you keep a secret?" I asked Cherry. She grew serious.
"Pancakes are my favorite!" She looked at me for a second before giggling and sticking her fingers in her mouth.
"You funny!"
"I am, aren't I? Let's wash your hands while Monica gets breakfast on the table, okay?"
"Otay!" I helped her wash her hands and then we sat down to eat. Cherry ate half a pancake before deciding she was done.


After breakfast Monica left. She had errands to run and people to see. Jess called and told me that Cherry's dad was still refusing to give up custody, but his case was very weak. A new court date was set for the eighth of April. In Houston. I called Mom who gave me the number of her friend the lawyer. I called the lawyer and told her about the court date. She informed she was happy to take my case and that she wanted to sit down and talk with me before the court date. We picked a day and a time and ended the call. Then Cherry and I watched some cartoons for a little while before getting dressed and going to a park. The slide was just about the greatest thing she'd ever seen. While she ran around and played I made sure everything was ready for tonight.
After the park we got lunch and ice cream. Cherry took a nap and I worked on a couple of songs.


When Monica got home it was almost supper time. I was finding clothes for Cherry to wear out to supper and Cherry was dancing to Raffi.
"I need a few minutes to get ready." Monica said as she came inside and dropped her bag by the door.
"Whatever. Take your time. No rush." I got Cherry dressed in a pale pink dress and a pair of black converse I'd bought for her shortly before she'd gone back to her dad. I brushed her hair and then Monica braided it. I fixed my hair, brushed my teeth and put my shoes on then waited for Monica to finish.
We had supper at Olive Garden. Fancy, but kid friendly. Cherry didn't eat much, but she loved that she could draw on her menu and that her cup had food with faces. After dinner we walked the boardwalk and ate cotton candy. Cherry and Monica had an amazing time. It was getting dark by the time we headed home. It was kind of a lengthy walk, but neither Mon or I cared.


I was barely containing my excitement. The house was dark from the outside, but I knew what was waiting for us, for her, inside. Cherry was on my shoulders, head resting on mine. I stepped in front of Mon and unlocked the door. Then I stepped back and let her in first. I lifted Cherry off my shoulders and held her to my chest. She was practically asleep, but that's what I got for keeping her up so late. Monica walked in and paused. The living room was filled candles. There was a trail of candles leading through the living room out into the kitchen and from there out the backdoor and into the yard. She followed it and I trailed behind her with Cherry. As we reached the kitchen we met the first few people. Curcio and Phil, then Jason and our tour manager, then Shy and Larisa, then Mom and Monica's parents and then Emerson and Sebastian. The yard was filled with candles. Luis stood back behind everyone filming the entire thing for me.
"Will you marry me?" Curcio asked and tipped the candle he was holding so that wax hit the floor. She smiled and shook her head and whispered a quiet no.
"Marry me?" Jason asked. She said no again and kept going. I handed Cherry to Phil and pulled the jewelry box from my pocket.
"Will you marry me?" Larisa asked. Mon giggled and said no.
"Marry me?" Sebastian asked.
"No." She had reached the end of the line so I got down on one knee and grabbed her hand. She spun to look at me and smiled wide.
"Will you marry me?" I asked and held up the ring.
"Yes. Yes, of course I will." She looked like she was going to cry. "We're soupsnakes." I grinned and slid the ring on her finger, then stood up, wrapping her in a hug. We kissed to a chorus of congratulations and cheers. The noise woke Cherry and she started crying. Everyone laughed and awwed and I took her back from Phil. Everyone moved further into the house, Mon and I trailed behind them.
"Michael and Holly?" Monica asked softly. I smiled and shrugged. "Honestly I'd rather be Jim and Pam."
"That proposal was harder to plan." She giggled and nodded in agreement. "Besides, annoying as Michael was, Holly made him better. She mellowed him out and helped him grow up. And despite how much he loved Dunder Mifflin as soon as she said she had to move to Colorado he was willing to go with her. He loved her, completely and unconditionally. Just like I love you."
"Only you would use The Office to be romantic." She giggled and wrapped an arm around my waist. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and pressed a kiss to her temple.
"Deedee?" I looked down at Cherry. She rubbed her eyes with her fists and yawned.
"I seepy." I smiled.
"I know. It's way past bedtime." I looked at Monica. "I'll be right back I'm gonna go put her to bed."
"Okay." She smiled and kissed me. I made my way inside and up the stairs. I quickly helped Cherry into her pajamas and laid her on my bed. She had her lion held in one hand and her chewy ring in her other hand.
"Na-night, Deedee. 'Ove you!" She yawned
"I love you too." I leaned down and kissed her forehead. Things were still uncertain, I could still lose her, but she was there and she was happy. I had her and Monica and for the time being things were perfect. Or as perfect as they could get. "Good night, my little stargazer."

That's it! That's the end. But the sequel is coming so keep an eye out! Thank you all for your comments and votes. I'm dedicating this chapter to Dat_chick_who_writes and emersonishot. And of course many thanks to floralandfucking and aliyssaa!

Avery L.

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