(10) - Concert

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The venue was standard. Big, echoy, anxiety inducing. Nothing new. Cherry ran around and explored while we set up. As long as I could see her I didn't panic. I was busy with the wires connecting the mic to the speakers when I heard something hit one of the cymbals. I turned and saw Cherry staring at the drum kit with wide eyes. She looked at me and her lip quivered.
"Sowwy." She put her head down and backed away from the drum kit. I crouched in front of her and went to lift her chin so she would look at me and she flinched and stumbled back.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. You aren't trouble. I promise." Emerson who'd been standing near by drinking a monster sat down behind the drum kit.
"Come here." He gestured for Cherry to come around the drum kit. She did so slowly. When she reached him he picked her up and sat her in his lap. He offered her his drumsticks. She looked up at him and he smiled.
"Go ahead." She took them and looked at the drum kit for a few seconds before hitting one of the drums. She giggled and did it again. He smiled again then looked at me. I raised my eyebrow.
"She can't hurt them anymore than I do." He said with a shrug. I nodded in agreement. I turned back to the mess of wires as Cherry banged away on the drums, giggling the entire time. I smiled, glad she was happy and enjoying herself.


Two hours later the concert was in full swing. Hayden, our tour manager, was keeping an eye on Cherry. She didn't really have to though, since Cherry was standing right where I could see her. She had one of her chewy toys in her mouth and she bounced slightly as she watched the show. Every couple of minutes I'd glance at her to make sure she was still there and still okay.
  During Mr. Doctor Man I pretended to shoot myself in the head and fell back onto the stage. I heard a shriek and then Cherry came running on stage. She knelt beside me and grabbed my face with both hands. I looked at her and smiled. She was crying. She wrapped her arms around my neck. With some difficulty I pushed myself up into a sitting position.
"Hey. What's wrong?" I asked her while rubbing her back. She just shook her head. I sighed and stood up. I put her on my hip and she kept her arms securely around my neck. I looked over at Hayden, who mouthed 'sorry'. I shrugged. I sang the last two songs holding Cherry.
"Can you wave to the crowd?" I asked her. She turned her head and looked at the crowd before waving. The crowd 'awwed' and she buried her face in my shoulder again. I grinned and hugged her. She didn't weigh much, but by the end of the concert my arm was tired.


Once the meet and greet started I had to put her down so I could hug fans and sign things. She wrapped her arms around my leg and stuck her toy in her mouth. Fans 'awwed' and said hi to her and asked her name and who she was. I told them her name, but didn't answer when they asked who she was. I didn't want to have to go through the whole spiel multiple times. Tired of standing, Cherry sat and wrapped herself around my leg like a koala.
"Peachy!" Emerson said suddenly. I looked up and saw Shy. I knew she was coming. I'd helped her get a ticket. She and Emerson kissed.
"Guys?" I said. Neither were paying attention, too wrapped up in their own silent conversation. Sebastian elbowed Emerson, who glared at him in response before remembering what was going around him. Shy kissed him once more before stepping off to the side and pulling her phone out of her bag. When we finished meeting everyone we headed back the bus.
"So you're Cherry." Shy said, smiling at Cherry. "I'm Shy." Cherry looked at her, blinked a couple times and cocked her head to the right. Then she yawned and rubbed her eyes.
"She's had a long day. I'm gonna put her in my bunk." I squeezed past everyone and got to my bunk. I quickly changed Cherry into her pajamas and laid her in the bunk. I gave her my earbuds and turned on the piano music. She pressed herself against the wall, held her padlock with one hand and stuck fingers from her other one into her mouth. She closed her eyes and I pulled the blankets up over her.
"She's so cute!" Shy said when I joined everyone again. "She's like a little doll."
"She is." Someone handed me an alcoholic beverage and I drank it without question. Shy and Emerson left after a little while and Sebastian, Phil and Curcio went to find a bar. I finished my drink, took a short shower and went to bed after texting with Monica for a few minutes. I held Cherry to my chest and thought back to the month before. When Cherry wasn't in my life. It was strange to think about. It felt like she'd been there forever. I was already so attached to her and I didn't know what I'd do if I lost her.

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