(12) - Pain

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The concert was in full swing. Cherry was standing with Hayden, toy in her mouth, thumb rubbing at her padlock. I smiled at her before looking back at the crowd. Then I looked up at the rafters and grinned. I walked to the side of the stage so I could climb up to the rafters. Once on the rafters I crawled to the middle and hung upside down. I kept singing. I glanced at Cherry and saw her staring at me with wide eyes. I laughed and finished the song. I started to get down and that's when things went wrong. I grabbed the rafters with both hands and started to let go with my legs so I could drop down. My hands, like the rest of me, were sweaty. I lost my grip and, not holding on with both legs anymore, fell. People screamed. I heard the crash of drums as Emerson stood up. Then I crashed to the stage and everything went dark.


Consciousness came back a few hours later. And I said it like that because I wasn't really awake. I couldn't open my eyes, but I could hear what was going on.
"Fucking dumbass." Sebastian said.
"I'm just surprised it didn't happen sooner." Emerson said. There was a lot of weight on my chest. It was hard to breathe. I groaned.
"Cherry! Cherry, no!" Emerson said. But it was too late, she moved off my chest and right onto my arm. I shot up with yelp of pain.
"Fuck, that hurts!" I groaned. Cherry, upon seeing that I was alive, lunged at me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and held tight.
"She's been crying for the past six hours and nearly made herself pass out when she had a panic attack." Emerson told me. I used my good arm and held her to my chest. I finally took in everything around me. My head was pounding. My left arm from my shoulder to my finger tips hurt like hell. My entire arm was in a splint. I was laying on a hospital bed, still shirtless from the concert. I had an IV in my right arm.
"You should call Mom and Monica. They've both been worried." Sebastian said, tossing my phone onto the bed.
"Maybe when the headache's gone." I laid back and closed my eyes. I sighed and had almost gone back to sleep when the door opened. I opened my eyes again. A nurse in pink scrubs stood by the door.
"Oh good. You're awake." I hummed in response. She checked all the machines I was hooked up to and asked me a few questions before leaving. I fell asleep shortly after that.


  I woke to Cherry shrieking. Safe to say it was not a pleasant way to wake up. I couldn't feel my fingers, a side effect of the drugs I was on. Emerson was attempting to lift Cherry off me and she was shrieking at the top of her lungs and holding on to me.
"Please, Cherry! I need you to let go." Emerson said as he tried to pull her off me.
"Hey! Cherry! Cherry, look at me." I said. Her eyes shot to mine. She was crying. "Go with Emerson. Just for a few minutes." Her crying turned into hiccups as she let Emerson pick her up. A nurse was standing by the foot of the bed. Emerson sat down with Cherry, who curled into his chest and stuck two fingers in her mouth. The nurse cleared her throat.
"I'm just here to let you know you're free to go whenever. Just speak to the nurse at administration." She took out my IV. "Don't forget to make an appointment to have a cast put on." I nodded and she left a sling on the end of the bed before walking out. I sat up and stretched my good arm before having Sebastian help me with the sling. Emerson stood and put Cherry down. She ran over to me and put her arms up. I came to a very sad and disappointing realization as I stared at her. I couldn't pick her up. I couldn't hold her with my right arm. She cocked her head to the side.
"Pease?" I looked past her at Emerson. He sighed and tried to pick her up. When she realized what he was doing she wrapped her arms around my leg. I rested my hand on her head and sighed. I offered Cherry my hand. She looked at for a minute before taking it and walking out of the room with me. Sebastian and Emerson followed. I don't normally care about not wearing a shirt in front of people, but at 7:30 in the morning it felt weird. It was also kind of cold. I signed myself out.
"Ebosern?" I heard behind me. I turned to see Cherry putting her arms up for Emerson. He picked her up and rested her head on his shoulder. It was nice to know she was comfortable with him. I smiled then turned back to the desk to set up an appointment to get a cast put on. We left the hospital and Sebastian drove us to the bus. Cherry, sat in my lap. Lucky for me my bunk on the bus was low enough I didn't actually have to climb into it. I would've had to switch with somebody if it was.    Emerson sat Cherry in my bunk and walked down toward the bathroom. Cherry, exhausted from the previous day's excitement promptly passed out. I put a blanket over her and closed the curtain. I sat down on the couch and decided to call Monica.

Look at me! Another update! Enjoy!

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