(19) - Court

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I didn't sleep well and it was painfully obvious. I had a meeting with a lawyer at nine. I drug myself out of bed and got ready for day. Emerson, who was in the other bed, never even moved. Sebastian, who'd fallen asleep on the couch, woke up while I was in the shower and went back to the other room. Emerson was still asleep by the time I was dressed and leaving. I left a note telling him where I went and headed down to the lobby. Cherry's lion was tucked into the pocket of my jacket. Concierge called an Uber for me and the Uber to me to the Lawyer's office. I sat for twenty minutes before the lawyer even showed up. His name was Rick. And he was an idiot, but he wouldn't cost me an arm and a leg.
"Sorry I'm late. Please. Take a seat." He droned. It made me want to rip my hair out. He was short and balding and wore bright red glasses.
"Thank you. Listen-"
"Hang on. Let me get the paper." He rifled through a stack of papers on his desk before finding the one he wanted. "A custody battle? On Tuesday?"
"Yes. I s-"
"That's very short notice. I'm not sure I can fit you in." I slammed my hands down onto his desk and he jumped.
"Please! I am going to lose my daughter! You are the most pathetic excuse of a lawyer I've ever met, and I've only met one other lawyer, but right now you're all I can afford so I am begging you, with everything in me, please, help me keep my daughter." He didn't look impressed, through to be fair I had just insulted him.
"Tragic. Talk to Farah see if she can fit you in on Tuesday." And that was it.
"Excuse me?"
"That's the best I can do. Now I have other things to do today." I was speechless. I stood and walked out, talking to Farah before I left who informed that he should be able to make it. I headed back to the hotel. I walked. I needed to clear my head.


Monica was there when I got back. Sebastian was in his room on the phone and Emerson was sitting in the corner with his sketch pad ignoring Mon and I.
"Stupid lawyer." I kicked the wall and ran my fingers through my hair.
"I take the meeting didn't go well?" Monica asked.
"No shit. The guys a dingbat! He doesn't care! At all. But he's all I can afford."
"You gotta calm down, baby. Panicking isn't gonna help." She rubbed my arm and gave me a comforting smile. We sat down on the bed and I put my head in my hands.
"It's just-I can't lose her, Mon."
"I know, baby, I know. It's gonna be okay." She pulled me back with her so we were laying down. She pulled my head onto her chest and ran her fingers through my hair. It was comforting.


The rest of that day and the next one went by agonizingly slow. I couldn't sleep, I hardly ate. And then the fateful day arrived. I set an alarm so I wouldn't be late. I was up, showered and dressed before seven. Emerson threatened to kill me twice and then threw a pillow at me when I turned the light on so I could find a pair of socks.
I was at the courthouse by nine. Cherry's father and his lawyer were there too. The judge showed up shortly after Monica and I did. Things were supposed to get underway at nine thirty. My lawyer was late. We waited, but an hour passed and he didn't show.
"Mr. Kropp, I'm afraid we can't wait any longer." When the reality of that statement hit me everything moved in slow motion. I'd just lost all because of my stupid lawyer. I couldn't breathe. I literally, physically couldn't breathe. Everyone left except Monica and I. She watched them go before turning back to me. As soon as her eyes locked on me she got wide eyed.
"Rem, Baby, deep breaths. Calm down."
"L-lost her. M-mon, I l-lost her."
"Baby, look at me. Deep breaths. I don't want you passing out." I nodded and tried to breathe. I'd lost her for good. I had failed.
"My Stargazer." I whispered. It felt like my heart had just been ripped from my chest and crushed like a grape. I stuck my hand in the pocket of my jacket and wrapped my hand around her lion. I fell into the deepest depression of my life and nothing, not even the woman I love or my family or my fans, could pull me out. If I ever saw that little slime ball of a lawyer I was going to strangle him. He ruined the only chance I had to save that little girl from that despicable man who had the audacity to call himself her father.
When I realized that I would never see her again I broke. From that moment on I was someone different. Standing on the sidewalk in a city I didn't know, where hundreds of people could see me, I cried. And I didn't care that hundreds of people could see me or that Monica was seriously concerned for my mental health. I couldn't find it in me to care about anything anymore. Suddenly I understood the void and Emerson's desire to slip into it and never be seen again. I hated it.

Sorry it's kinda short. And heartbreaking.

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