Coat and Snail

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Probably my last update for today. Here's a fluff to end this weekend :))

Jang Wonyoung

"Yah! Seriously Jang Wonyoung, your mood swings are unbelievable! Earlier you were crying so damn hard than you almost make me look like I just got out from a quick shower becasue of your waterfall tears! And now you're excited to see--- i mean stalk that Giant Puppy?! Ugh jesus this kid!"

As usual Yena unnie being stressed hehe. Oldie!

"So? I will still follow her! And Minju unnie went to her modelling gig so I'm free!!!!" I exckaimed and jumped like a kid. Well I AM a kid.

"Good bye Yena unnie!!! Take care!!" I said and quickly kissed her cheeks

I went directly to our school gate and waited for Yujin. I'm excited!!!!

When I saw coming towards the gate, I wuickly hid behind the guard's house. If she caught me she will obviously scold or ignore me so it's better to just folow her secretly :(

When she's already passed by the gate I quickly walked behind her. Oh God look at that body! That booty-- Gosh what am I thinking?!

I continued following her until we arrived at the sea side. O...kay? Why are we here? And it's already getting dark.

But because I'm hard-headed kid, I stil followed her. Now, she's walking on the seashore. She removed her shoes so I removed mine too.

Ehee if you will see us from afar, we look like a couple. I'm her girlfriend that is following her around :)) How I wish :<

I was busy playing with the water under my feet when I noticed someone staring at me so I looked up.

"O-oh hi hehe..." I awkwardly greeted Yujin

Damn, she's staring at me the whole time?! I lool like a mess because of the wind messing uo my hair! Oh gosh Wonyoung you're embarrassing yourself!


I was about to run when I felt something crawling on my feet... I looked down and...

"AHHH!!!! SNAIL! AAAHHHH!!!" I shouted and jumped around


"Yah Wonyoung calm down!" I heard Wonyoung shouted

But it's all too late because I'm already jumping nonstop until....... I tripped. And what happened next? I landed on the water and got myself wet. WHAT AN UNLUCKY DAY FOR ME.

Earlier in the morning Minju unnie and Yujin broke my heart into pieces. Yujin caught me following her and now, I just embarrased myself in front of her. Can the water like swallow me? I CAN'T FACE YUJIN RIGHT NOW!

I'm just looking down and trying to hide my face when I felt something crawiling on my LEGS. I looked at it and THERE'S A FVCKING SNAIL AGAIN! OH SHIT!


I panicked so I unconciously kicked my feet not knowing that there's a fvcking rock so I hit my own feet with that rock.

Oh Jesus...... IT HURTS SO MUCH!

Suddenly, I feel numb because of the embarrassment I got myself into. Oh please just kill me.

I heard someone giggled so I slowly looked up. I saw Yujin beaming a playful smile while looking at me. She slowly approached me so I just hung my head low. Ugh...

"Yah. Stand up. You look stupid." I heard her

I shook my head. I'm still embarrassed.

I thought she will just leave me when I felt her hand holding my chin and slowly lifting up my face. When our eyes met, she suddenly gave me a small smile.



Okay how many time did I cursed today?

Then she suddenly remove some of my hair that is blocking eyes.

"Let's go. It's getting dark." She said and grabbed my hand

When I got out from the water, I quickly fixed my hair and uniform. I also removed my wet coat to lessen the coldness. Now I'm going home wet and cold. Even my shoes are wet since I accidentally threw it in the water. Aish...

I was about to go and leave Yujin unnie because I'm still embarrassed about what happened when she grabbed my hand and let me face her.


I wasn't able to finish my sentence when she wrapped around me her dry uniform coat. She also kneeled and held my feet so I could use her own shoes.


She cutted me by putting her finger on my lips.

"Don't say anything. Just wear that and give it back tomorrow." She said and turned her back and started walking

I was about to follow her when she suddenly stopped.

"And lastly,....... don't fall for me harder."


We were walking in silence until we arrived in front of her house. Mine's still on the next gate.

She was about to enter the gate already but I grabbed her hand. She stopped and faced me.

"What? It's getting cold, go now." She coldly said

Instead of answering her, I took off her uniform coat from my shoulder and gave it to her. Her shoes? I convinced her earlier that I will just use mine and she let me.

"Thank you, Yujin-ah." I shyly said and walked towards our gate.

I was about to open our gate when a hand grabbed my shoulder to face her. And a coat landed on my shoulder. She even buttoned some buttons so it would not fall.

"You'll catch cold. Tsk." Yujin said while buttoning the buttons of her coat

She's....she's so close....her face is so close to mine that I could feel her breath....

When she moved her face away, I just then reakized that I was holding my breath. Oh gosh who wouldn't?

She stared at me for a minute and then messed my wet hair that just made my heart beat 4x faster than normal.

She turned away and walked towards their gate while waving her right hand like saying goodbye. I remained standing outsude watching her until she entered their front door.

Okay, Ms. Ahn Yujin, what the hell was that all about?


Okay guys this will be the last for today lmao it's already mornight here tho sjsjsjjs I still have a class tomorrow--- i mean later at 7:30 am and its 12 midnight now HAHHAHAHAH so I apologize for the typos and grammatical error huehue

Btw this is just a one chapter fluff lmao more angsty chapters to goooooo!!!!! We're still too far from having a fluff chapters okie? We should suffer first!

Good mornight y'all!! See you on saturday! Take care!

Love lots and God bless!!!!

Ms. AhnYu, Can I Have You? | a.yj x j.wyWhere stories live. Discover now