Verity - Lila

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Lila walked up the metal stairs of the school and towards the classroom that she despised, still annoyed that her mother had finally forced her to turn up to school.

Her parents were usually easy to manipulate as they were always busy with work and never had enough time for her, but it seemed that her luck had finally begun to run out.

She scowled at the thought as she pushed open the door, expecting to be met with warm hugs and open arms as they asked about her wellbeing.

Instead, she looked up to see a room full of scowls, one pigtailed girl in particular smirking at her.

"Back from your 'trip to the kingdom of Achu' already I see." Chloé seethed, air quoting a few of her words.

Realisation came crashing down on Lila. She'd been busted for her lies.

Looking around the classroom, she met the bases of the people who had once believed her and was met only with anger and disappointment.

Marinette looked on expectantly, waiting to see what kind of response Lila would produce.

Even though it was already evident that everyone knew, Lila still persisted with her lies out of habit, clinging onto any hope that there may be someone in the room that actually still believed her. It was a bad habit to have, and a hard one for her to suddenly break.

"Uh, yeah! The prince was so welcoming when he showed us around the castle." She lied, gritting her teeth into a fake smile.

"How could the prince have shown you around the castle if he was in the USA, Lila?" Marinette voiced, a triumphant smirk evident on her face as she stood up and crossed her arms. "According to that video call you had with us on heroes day, you already knew that little fact."

"I-" Lila tried to begin, taking a few steps backwards, away from the class and towards the open door at the front of the classroom.

She'd been well and truly outed for her many obvious lies.

Tears formed in the corners of her eyes, as she took a few steps farther back, her back hitting the wall of the classroom. She needed to get out of there before she burst into tears.

Lila sprinted out the door, wiping away the flood of tears cascading down her skin with her arm.

She received a few strange glances as she ran through the halls of the school. Partially because they were surprised to see her, and partially because they were wondering what had caused her to burst into tears.

She slammed the door of the locker room behind her and slowly slid down until she was sat on the floor, her back resting against the door.

Through her clouded vision, she could barely make out the silhouette of a dark butterfly fluttering towards her and only realised what was happening again when it was far too late.

"We meet again, Lila," A now familiar ominous voice spoke into her mind. Hawkmoth. "I can grant you the power to make everyone believe your words are the truth."

Lila trembled as she tried to block the voice out of her head. But it was no use. She already succumbed to his powers before, and it was unlikely that she wouldn't crumble this time too.

All you have to do in exchange is bring me Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous. Do we have a deal, Verity?

"Yes, Hawkmoth."

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