✿*。 Two 。*✿

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The day of the new lodger moving in had finally arrived. Jeno had spent the last two days receiving lectures from his mother saying the same things over and over again. 'Please be nice' or 'try not to scare him away', did she really think he was that much of a monster?

The house was spotless, having spent hours cleaning every inch of it with his mother that morning Jeno could safely say it was fit for a queen. But they weren't getting a queen, they were getting some lame exchange student from China. The worse part was they were studying at the same school as each other. Jeno had already refused any rides to school and said the boy can find his own way there.

"Jeno honey come here" his mother says, ushering her son in the living room for a closer look at what he was wearing. He was dressed in jeans and a hoodie "oh I wish you'd make an effort" she huffs trying to straighten up his hair a little but he dodges it.

"Why? Is he royalty or something?" He scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest.

"No but he'll be living with us for the next few months and I think it's important to make a good first impression" she explains, moving into the hallway for a moment before coming back "at least put some shoes on" she says, throwing a pair of sneakers at her son and pointing at his socks where his little toe was peaking out of a hole.

"Shouldn't he be the one making a good impression, this is our house after all, it's not like he's the one doing us a favour" Jeno mutters as he sits down and pulls on the shoes and tying the laces tightly.

"Jeno, please just be nice" his mother begs earning a sigh in response. "You'll probably only ever see him at breakfast and dinner anyway, it will almost be like he isn't even here" she smiles, placing a kiss to her sons head.


"I promise" she says, moving to turn the large flatscreen tv off. She almost jumps out of her skin when she hears the doorbell. "Oh he's here!" She quickly straightens out her shirts and yanks Jeno to his feet before racing over to the door. She pauses, pointing a finger at Jeno "be nice". And with that she swings the door open, smiling warmly.
"Renjun welcome, come on in" she moves aside to let the boy in, Jeno watches from the entrance of the living room.

The boy was small, and wasn't very built. He had fair skin and ashy blonde hair styled neatly. "Thank you, sorry I'm a little later than you expected" he says, laughing a little as he pulls his suitcase into the house to let Jeno's mother close the door behind him.

"Oh not at all, you're just on time" she smiles and Jeno rolls his eyes at how un-genuine his mother was being. "This is my son, Jeno" she says, waving him over and he reluctantly shuffles his way closer. "I know I didn't mention him much in the interview but he's really a sweetheart and I'm sure you'll both get along just fine"

The blonde looks up at Jeno a little taken aback but he forces a smile anyway "um, hi I'm Renjun" he holds his hand out for Jeno to shake. He wasn't going to take it but the death glare his mother sent him gave him no choice.

He reluctantly shakes Renjun's hand, mentally cringing at how forced and awkward this whole situation was "Jeno" he says, keeping it short and sweet.

"Honey how about you show Renjun to his room and I'll start on dinner"
Although it was worded like a question, Jeno knew better. He knew he didn't have a choice.

With a silent groan he moves towards the staircase "leave your shoes in the foyer and follow me" he says, earning a nod from Renjun who quickly removes his shoes and makes a move towards the stairs.

They walk up in silence, the whole time Jeno was cursing his mother. How could she bring someone into the house without Jeno having any say and then expect him to be a good host? It was infuriating.

Finally they reach the guest room and Jeno pushes the door open. "There you go. That's your room" he says, pointing inside.
Renjun smiles in thanks and moves past Jeno, pulling his suitcase into the room behind him. "My room is next door, don't go in there. You have your own bathroom too." Jeno points and Renjun's eyes follow. "See ya" and with that Jeno had closed the door and had wandered off back downstairs.

His mother stood in the kitchen, cutting up potatoes and dropping them into a large pot. "So what do you think? He seems nice" she says as she hands Jeno a knife to help with the food prep.

"He's awful" he grimaces earning a slap on the arm from the woman. "Ouch!"

"Don't be rude. He's lovely, such a polite boy" she fills the pot with water before moving it over to the stove and switching it on.

"He's too innocent, I swear I could smell the lord on that guy".
This earns a small laugh from his mother.

"Stop being overdramatic Jeno" she takes the knife from his hand and drops it into the sink.
Suddenly, a loud scream is heard from upstairs and Jeno can see his mother's expression turn from amused to furious. "What did you do?" She asks, glaring at the teenager.

Jeno couldn't stifle his laughter anymore and breaks out into a fit of giggles "oops"

Within seconds his mother had run up the stairs and Jeno followed, there was no way he could miss this.
Renjun stood on the landing outside his room, the door closed. "Is everything okay?" His mum asks, making her way closer to a very shook up looking Renjun.

"I-in there" he says, pointing at the room. She sends Jeno one last death glare before opening the door and walking in.

All over the floor lay small plastic spiders that had been left over from Halloween.
"I do apologise for my idiotic son, he thinks he's funny" she smiles warmly at the blonde and rubs his arm comfortingly. "Jeno, get in there and pick every single one of those up" she says sternly before turning back to Renjun. "Whilst he's doing that I'll make you some tea, you can unpack later"

Renjun only nods, his eyes drifting over to Jeno before staring at the floor as he walks past.
With a sigh Jeno moves into the room and begins scooping up the spiders. He didn't even mind he was being made to clean them up, the reaction he had gotten was worth it.

Before leaving the room he places one of the spiders under the pillow for the Chinese boy to find later.

The Lodger; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now