✿*。 Twenty-Six 。*✿

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Renjun awkwardly sat beside Jaemin as he handed over some aspirin to Jeno who sat with his head in his hands.
"You're an idiot you know that? Why the heck would you get wasted the night before your audition?" Jaemin mutters, making sure Jeno put the pills into his mouth and handed over a bottle of water.

Jeno glances over at Renjun for a second before turning away and swallowing the pills. "It was an emergency I guess"

Donghyuck comes skipping off the stage and takes the other seat next to Jeno, a huge grin on his face "no offence but I definitely think I've already gotten the lead role" he winks only causing Jeno to scoff.

"Shut up you're way too gay to be able to play lead male" he passes the water bottle back over to Jaemin before standing and making his way up onto the stage. He stumbled a little and pressed his hand to his forehead, obviously feeling a little dizzy but he soon recovered. He stands in the centre and tries his best to smile. He looked awful. With large under eye bags, sickly pale skin. He looked like he could vomit any second.

The drama teacher looked a little concerned but didn't question it, only gave Jeno a nod to begin. Renjun watches Jeno as he get into position and he also sees a smug look appear on Donghyucks face when seeing Jeno almost pass out. Nonetheless he starts acting and Renjun had to admit, if he didn't have major hangover he would be actually quiet good at acting.

He works his way through the scripted monologue with ease, the hangover forgotten about and when he finished, the drama teacher gave him a huge smile. "Jeno that was great!" She beamed "I can tell you're ill but I really think you have the potential to play an amazing role. I think we've found our male lead" she says, making a quick note on her clipboard.

Donghyuck stands from his seat "what the fuck!?" He yells as Jaemin quickly grabs his arm and tries to pull him back into his seat.

"Donghyck don't worry you'll play secondary lead" the teacher mutters but the scowl on the boys face didn't disappear.
He groans and pulls his arm away from Jaemin. He picks up a copy of the full script before leaving the school theatre.

Jeno climbs down from the stage and collects a copy for himself before coming back over to where Jaemin and Renjun were sat, a smug smirk on his face. "I'm great even with hangover"

Jaemin scoffs slightly "yeah but you would have been better without it, right Renjun?" He asks and the elder only shrugs. "Seriously? Are you two arguing again?"

Renjun and Jeno share a glance before looking away. Renjun had no idea if Jeno could remember what had happened last night. If he did, he didn't mention it, and with the state he was in today Renjun doubted he could even remember leaving the house.

"I tried to be nice to him, it's him that's ignoring me" Jeno mutters and weirdly Renjun felt a little bit of relief. Does this mean he didn't remember last night?

Jaemin rolls his eyes and shakes his head before grabbing his bag "I find that hard to believe, are you seriously telling me you've done nothing to upset out little Injunnie?" Jaemin wraps an arm around Renjun's shoulder, his eyes focused on Jeno.

"I haven't done anything" Jeno shrugs as he looks over the script, reading over some of the lines. "Anyway I need to go, see ya later" and with that he pulls his bag onto his back before leaving the school theatre.

"He really didn't do anything, I'm just distancing myself" Renjun assures, praying Jaemin wouldn't bring up the situation again.

He looks Renjun over before smiling a little "you're doing the right thing" he says, giving the smaller male a pat on the back before walking away "see you at lunch!" He yells before opening the door and leaving.

With a sigh he turns and leaves from the other exit, not wanting to bump into Jeno. All he needed to do was get to his lesson and survive the day. He had been slacking on his studying lately and he knew he needed to get back on it.

His grades were still good but he knew if he kept this up then his grades would begin to slip. After all the only reason he came to Korea in the first place was to study.

As he stepped out into the empty hallways of the school he feels a hand grab his wrist and pull him to the side. He lets out a small yelp but shuts up when seeing who it was.
Quickly he puts a scowl on his face and yanks his arm away. "What do you want"

Jeno raises a brow at Renjun's harsh tone but he didn't seemed phased by it. There was a moment of silence between them before Jeno smirks a little "soo.." he leans closer, his face inches away from Renjun's "we need to talk about last night..."

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