✿*。 Eleven 。*✿

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Renjun groans as he rolls over in bed, wincing at how much his whole body ached. His head felt too heavy for his neck, his arm felt like they were going to drop of if he tried to move them. He'd never felt so much pain before.

Eventually he builds enough courage to allow himself to sit up and slowly open his eyes. They were blurry for a moment but soon focused. He couldn't remember walking back to Jeno's house but then again there wasn't much he could remember. He looks down, only now realising the only pieces of clothing he wore were his boxers and a tshirt that didn't belong to him.
His fist reaction was panic. How had he ended up in someone else's clothes? How the heck does someone practically strip themselves and not remember one bit of it? He didn't even know whose clothes they were but the collar smelt strongly of cologne and he nearly chokes to seat on the smell.

Renjun braces himself before pushing the covers off and placing his bare feet against the floor. He stands on wobbly legs, allowing himself a second to compose himself before walking out into the hallway. Well more like stumbling as he had to hold on to a few things to stop him from falling face first.

The smell of food hits his nose and his stomach rumbles, although that could also mean he was about to throw up he wasn't too sure. He comes down the stairs carefully and slowly, gripping onto the hand rail as if his life depended on it and peaks through the railings to see Jeno in the kitchen.

"Good morning" Jeno says cheerfully once noticing the blonde shuffle into the room. All he gets is a groan in response but he takes what he can get. The younger watches as Renjun drops himself at the table and rests his head against the wooden surface. "Drink this"
He pushes a mug of steaming tea towards Renjun who barely lifts his head to look up. He had noticed that Renjun had a thing for jasmine tea since his mother usually made him one on a morning.

"I'm not thirsty" he mumbles, pushing the mug back and allowing his eyes to flutter shut in an attempt to stop the on coming headache. His face scrunched a little and the pain was very obvious as he presses his hand to his forehead.

"Too bad" Jeno sits opposite and moves the mug back earning a glare from the blonde. "Alcohol dehydrates your brain, you'll get ill if you don't drink".

Finally Renjun sits up, grabbing the mug and drinking the tea, completely ignoring the fact that it was still boiling hot. He had no idea why Jeno would care about him getting ill or not, Renjun knew for a fact that if their situation was reversed he would definitely not be doing the same for Jeno. He puts the mug back onto the table and narrows his eyes at Jeno "I want to know why I woke up with someone else's shirt on, and why I'm only in my boxers. What the fuck happened to my clothes"

Jeno was a little shocked but had expected this. Anyone who had drank as much as Renjun had would have been completely unaware of everything they did the night before. "You threw up all over the place, and me. I had to take your clothes off" he laughs, leaning forward in his seat a little "do you remember anything from last night?"

Renjun thinks for a moment before shaking his head, regretting the gesture straight away when he feels a shooting pain "no. The last thing I remember was loosing you and finding Jaemin, after that I can't remember a thing" he admits causing Jeno to smirk a little. "W-Why? What did I do?"

"Don't worry about it. you didn't do anything crazy" Jeno says as he grabs the mug and puts it into the dishwasher. He hears Renjun sigh a sigh of relief "except beg me to fuck you"


Embarrassed wasn't a strong enough word to describe how Renjun was feeling right now. He was utterly mortified.

"It's okay don't worry about it, I wanted you just as bad" Jeno winks, moving to the doorway of the kitchen and jogging up the stairs. Is that all he was getting? Was Jeno Seriously not going to tell him anything else?
The blonde hears Jeno's bedroom door close and instantly he stands up, tip toeing his way upstairs and towards his own room.

Everything would be fine, all he had to do was avoid Jeno and everything would go back to how it was before. Although Jeno did make a deal that he would stop teasing him if he agreed to go to the party. Maybe if Jeno was true to his word then avoiding him wouldn't be so difficult after all.

A thought comes to Renjun's mind causing him to spin around and kneel down beside his bed. Slowly he slides out the box, carefully removing the top. This is what had caused all of this. He knew he shouldn't have listened to his friends.

He recalls the conversation he had with Lucas back in China. The older male was so disappointed when hearing Renjun would be moving away but jumped at the opportunity to suggest Renjun try something new.

Renjun had always maintained this clean and innocent image that his friends teased him for relentlessly. Unknown to Renjun they had all chipped in and had created this box for him as a goodbye gift which they had labelled as a 'banter hamper'. It was a joke and it was supposed to stay as a joke.

With a huff Renjun slams the lid back onto the box before picking it up and pushing it to the back of his closet. Out of sight out of mind. And safely out of Jeno's hands.

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