✿*。 Forty-Four 。*✿

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Renjun spots Yangyang stood outside of the cafe, just like he said he would be. They had agreed to meet at Siheng's cafe since Renjun didn't want Yangyang coming to the house, he couldn't trust Jeno not to do something that would offend him. Another reason was because Sicheng had insisted that he was able to see how the date was going, he also wanted to be there in case he had to rescue Renjun, which the younger had told him several times that wasn't likely to happen.

They probably wouldn't stay at the cafe long anyway since they had agreed to go see a movie. Renjun had looked the movie up and it didn't really look like his kind of thing but he didn't mind sitting though it for Yangyang's sake.

"Hey!" He says once he reaches the brunette, smiling brightly.

Yangyang returns the smile and takes a moment to look Renjun over "woah you look great" he compliments, only making Renjun's smile grow.

Maybe Jeno wasn't lying after all.

"Thanks" he says, suddenly feeling a little shy. He had no reason to be shy around Yanyang, they had spent the last two weeks studying together. But the thought of someone actually liking Renjun made him a little uneasy but he put the thought to the back of his mind. "Shall we go in?" He asks, earning a nod from Yangyang.

He opens the door, hearing the bells jingle above him. Instantly Sicheng looks up from the counter, waving at Renjun as he enters. Surprisingly, Yuta was also working, he seemed to be showing up more often.

Before they even got the chance to get to the counter, two white porcelain mugs were thrust towards them. "I had your drinks ready" Sicheng beams and the younger laughs a little, thanking him as he takes the mugs, handing one over to Yangyang.

"Maybe you should leave them alone" Yuta suggests, grabbing Sicheng's arm and dragging him back a little so that Renjun and Yangyang could have a conversation without the fear of anyone listening.

The two boys take a seat by the window. It was already pretty dark outside and the cafe was lit up by beautiful string lights, all twinkling away. Renjun had never noticed how nice they were until now.

"I'm really glad you agreed to go on a date with me"
Yangyang says, causing Renjun to snap out of his thoughts "I didn't think you would say yes" he laughs nervously before taking a sip of his drink.

"Why wouldn't I say yes? You're a nice guy" he rests his head on the palm of his hand, watching as Yangyang stared at the floor as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.

Of course he wasn't going to say 'I only agreed so I could get over someone else'. The last thing Renjun wanted to think about right now was Jeno, but he couldn't help wondering how Jeno's eyes would sparkle with the reflection of the lights, and how beautiful his smile would look in such lighting.

"If I'm being completely honest, I've sort of had a crush on you since you exchanged to our school" Yangyang admits, shocking the blonde a little.

"You have?!"

The younger nods, finally looking up at Renjun. "Yeah I just thought you were pretty I guess. So when you offered to loan me your notes I was kinda shocked"
Renjun felt a pang of guilt when hearing this.

"W-why didn't you say anything sooner?" God Renjun wished he had known sooner. Maybe then he would have never liked Jeno and he could actually like Yangyang back.

"I was scared, have you never had a crush on anyone? It's scary telling them how you feel, especially when you don't talk much" he laughs lightly and Renjun looks down at his mug, a sinking feeling in his stomach. "But my friend told me that if you like someone then you should tell them, so I did"

He did know how it felt to have a crush, he also knew how it felt to know they'd never like you back. He understood why Yangyang was so hesitant to tell him.

"Are you okay?" Yanyang asks, noticing the way Renjun kept zoning out mid conversation.

He quickly smiles and nods "yeah I've just got a lot on my mind I guess"

"I didn't creep you out did I?" Yangyang asks and Renjun was quick to shake his head.

"No no no, of course not" he assures "I just- I'm sorry I didn't realise sooner" he sighs, standing up from his seat.


"I'm so sorry" he says, frantically looking around for Sicheng "I-I have to go. I'm so sorry I just- there's something I need to do"
And with that he rushes out of the cafe, practically sprinting down the side walk.

He was almost sure he'd gone mad. Everything he was doing was utterly pointless. He had ruined his date for no reason but he couldn't stay there any longer. The thought of spending the evening with a guy who genuinely liked him, and making him think that the feelings were possibly returned didn't sit well with him.

There only seemed to be one person on his mind. Jeno.

If you like someone you should tell them. Yangyang's words seemed to be on replay in his mind.

He reaches the house, completely out of breath but he was happy to see that mrs Lee's car was still gone. Quickly he opens the door, noticing the light on in the kitchen.

Slowly he approaches the doorway, his eyes landing on Jeno stood by the sink, drinking a glass of water.

It doesn't take long for the younger to spot Renjun and he turns to face him "I thought you were on a date"

Renjun nods "I was but-" he hesitates for a moment. He knew he was about to make a huge fool of himself but he needed to say it. He just needed to. "-I had to tell you something"

Jeno's smile falters for a moment and he hesitantly takes a step closer to the blonde, still keeping a respectable distance. "Couldn't it have waited until you got home?" He asks, his voice a little softer than usual.

Renjun shakes his head, taking a deep breath "it's not right to go on a date with someone when you have feelings for someone else" he says looking up, his eyes meeting Jeno's. "It's not right to go on a date with someone else when I like you"

Jeno's eyes widen a little at the confession but he doesn't say anything. He only stares wide eyed at Renjun.

"I like you a lot Jeno. I'm sorry I couldn't get over you".

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