Chapter 2 - Triple Scoop Cone

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Chapter 2

Alyssa’s POV

I entered the ice cream parlour, hearing the familiar sound of the bell above the door and basking in the cold wave. I walked up to the front and luckily for me there was no one on the queue and I could peacefully get my ice cream and leave.

“Hey Lucy, can I get my usual on a cone and two large tubs of cookie dough?” I was a regular at the parlour so this was not unusual.

“Cookie dough? I’m guessing break-up, Johnny’s not with you and you only get cookie dough when you’re really unhappy.” Looking at my face for assurance she continued, “Oh sweetie I’m so sorry, how’s about I give you an extra medium tub for free, eh?”

Smiling at the thought of extra ice cream, I nodded eagerly like a kid being offered a large lollipop. “I knew that would lift your spirits. Be right back” said Lucy, walking away to get my order.

Returning with my order, Lucy handed me a plastic bag and triple scoop cone of pistachio, chocolate and caramel. Paying her I turned around and bumped into someone dropping my cone.

Staring horrified at the cone and ice cream spread all over the ground I hear a voice, obviously male, sounding panicked and stumbling over his words “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I was too close and I wasn’t looking, I didn’t realize, I’ll buy you a new one, oh my god, I’m so so sorry”.

Looking up to see the face of the monstrous ice cream killer, I calmly said “Shut up. Lucy knows my order, get me a new one, I’m sitting over there”, pointing to a booth to the side.

I slide into the booth and wait for my cone, putting my head in my hands. ‘My day can’t get any worse’ I think.As the boy slides into the seat in front of me I look up and take my cone from his hands, acknowledging that he got the same thing. I realise then that I recognise him, “Do I know you?”

“I don’t know, do you?” he replies.

Thinking hard I remember where I recognise him from. “I remember now, we go to the same school, we’re in AP Biology together. I think we were desk partners once, freshman year. Erm, Jake, I think it is, yeah, Peterson, Jake Peterson, that’s it!”

“Yep, that’s me. So what’s with all the cookie dough ice cream?”

“What’s with all the pistachio? Don’t think I didn’t see that” I replied as I pointedly stared at his plastic bag.

“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”

“Fine. 1 word: breakup”


I looked up midway through my bite, unbelieving that we were probably going through the same thing and trying to use the same remedy for heartbreak.


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Hell of A Choice: Book 1 of the 'Hell of A' SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now