My daddy tell me at he and i are a like

877 13 4

So I was 2 years old and my daddy told me at he had the same disabilities as me he told me at he was autistic too so I was happy at I was not going through this alone I was glad he found me and brought me home I glad at I had a family sometimes his friends would come over to visit me and him his friends were matka phasma and kylo ren sometimes when phasma visited she would do my hair and I love how she would style it my daddy sometimes loved to hear me giggling when she styled it for me he loved me so very very much at he did not believe on who would leave a little baby girl like that I was glad at my Daddy found me and discovered at I was autistic like him his cat Millicent meowed in agreements whit my daddy he wach me play then he had quickly nipped to the bathroom when he came back he then saw me asleep on the floor I was in my pjs and I was tired so he then turned off the television and took me upstairs to his bedroom and Millicent followed her daddy when we got there he put me in bed Millicent got in her bed and daddy joined me in his bed and we was all asleep.

A/n hay so it me Star Wars fan 20 here so today is Adam Driver birthday I done today are little family and I now done my daddy hux the reason why I not been on is because I broke my big iPad whit a fidget spinner but my iPad is now fixed and I have had a terrible cold but it get there to go so yeah I love you all and again happy birthday to Adam Driver aka kylo ren my favourite dark side daddy

Word count 323 words

My daddy hux Where stories live. Discover now