You are amzing daddy

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A/n hay so so sorry I didn't not do my daddy hux Valentine's Day so here it is I know that it late so here we go.
Today was Valentine's Day so I was going to spend time with the one I truly loved my darling little baby girl Natalie so I got her some presents and a card said happy Valentine's Day darter I did her breakfast in bed and she then said thank you daddy for this and I said she was more than welcome she gave me my Valentine's Day card and present I love it so so much and she then thank me for her presents and card we had a lovely day and I then took her out for a meal so phasma live next door so my darling Darter went to see her to get her ready for me to take her out for dinner as my date and Dopheld Mitaka who live next door to me came over to help me get ready for me to take my darling little baby girl out whist phasma helped my darter to get ready for my dinner date whit her i got her some flowers to take over to phasma house for are date night when I got to phasma house I said hello phasma is my date ready for are date night and she said yes she then call my date and when she came to the bottom of the stairs she looked so so lovely and I then said hello my dear are you ready to go out for are dinner date has she said yes kind sir so we went out to dinner and then we went home she had enjoyed her dinner date night with me she was asleep in the car so I then got home and put the flowers in a Vance and I then went to get my darling little baby girl from the car and got her in to my pjs and then I took her to my bedroom and then I got into my pjs and then got into bed with my darling little baby girl we were both asleep so we enjoyed ourselves.

A/n hay so it me Star Wars fan20 here so see nots on top

Word count 387 words.

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