A dentist apotment for my litte girl natalie

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Today was my little baby girl Natalie dentist appointment we went to the dentist in the health centre in the town and she was a little bit scared so she ask me if I could come in with her and I said yes lucky the dentist person who she see is a special needs dentist person who know her well when she was at her special needs school know her very good and he then clean her teeth I kept her amused by showing her Star Wars Visual dictionary book whist he was working and then we book her in again for another appointment in six months time so then we went to the chip shop to get some chips for lunch and then we left to go home and then we ate are lunch and then I put my little baby girl in her pjs for her nap time and I then decided to have a nap too downstairs in the living room and we both woke up late on she thank me for today whit her and I said at she was welcome I thought at she would love to sleep in my bedroom tonight I then wash up whit my little baby girl was watching a cartoon on the tv whit are my cat Millicent or as she calls kitty mill then I went into the front room and then I said bathtime and bedtime I then took her to the bathroom to give her bath and then I got her dressed ready for bed.

A/n hay so I me Star Wars fan 20 here so hear another chapter of my daddy hux
I had the dentist on Tuesday so yeah just for a check up I don't go back until 1st of July so yeah
Word count 304 words

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