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"dont forget to tell guanlin that i,shadows vrasës came to say hi"

It was the first thing jimin said once everyone was seated down at the dining table and he could have sworn the fast wind was caused by the one and only guanlin who stood rooted at his place,not even touching his breakfast which was still sizzling hot.

"yet we couldn't track her where abouts" guanlin sighed.

Yoongi eyed the food hungrily even though on his plate there were still unfinished food.

Jimin massaged his temples and flinched when Jasmine handed out a cup of water to him.

"ironic for someone who controls water Jasmine" Taehyung mussed.

"ironic for controlling ice but still not knowing where to put that frozen brain at" Jasmind crossed her arms, "for sure i expect an arrogant man to be more cleverer but...you really dissapoint me taehyung"

Jungkook and jin who were busy eating clapped at the scene but were immediatly shushed at the murderous glance taehyung graciously gave to them.

"why are you trying to dig your own grave up Jasmine?you know this is a matter between me and jimin" Taehyung was now stood up,hands balled into fist.

"i wouldn't have joined you if what you said wasn't right" Jasmine rolled her shoulders as if getting into a fight with the ice-king won't kill her.

Jimin had a worried face on and stood up to prevent you guys from fighting each other but failed to dodge the upcoming snowball that hit him and now numbed his whole elbow.

Everyone screamed in panic while guanlin examined them all ruefully

Yoongi immediatly coming down to jimin's aid and used his powers to give back the heat .

jasmine took her sword from its hidden sheath before tackling taehyung who laughed histerically at the sight.

"you think its easy to defeat m-"

"stop what you're thinking taehyung i dont plan on using violence unless it is needed" jasmine warned and pressed the blade harshly on taehyung's neck but the latter showed no fear.

"you're holding metal and it's easy to freeze it and you think im undefeatable" jasmine still held her position,sword pointed at the man's neck.

"you're still on that dumb-ass brain of yours and you think I am undefeatable?" Jasmine mocking tone pushed taehyung off his limits and all he wanted to do was freeze the sword up to its hilt.

Xandra who watched this frowned at the sight of the familiar sword on jasmine's hand.

Her eyes widen in horror when taehyung clasped his hand on the tip of the sword and concentrated to freeze it but a thought was made otherwise and he was thrown to a wall by a big explosion.

Blue light emitted from jasmine's torso and her nose flowed freely with blood but she still held a tight grip on her sword.

"i will ki-"

"no jasmine listen...don't do it" Her bestfriend pleaded, "look we've talked about this you dont h-"

"he's messing with my mind sister" Jasmine's face had 2 streaks of lines which was illuminated by blue lights in it.

Everyone gasped at her transformation.The timid jasmine was now spitting fire with two light lines that had seemed to appear out of nowhere.

Seokjin nudged the frozen namjoon and signalled the sword.

"deatch her from it" was what seokjin had whispered before namjoon concentrated on snatching the object away from the girl.

When the sword finally unclasped itself,it flew in the air for a second and finally landed on namjoon's hand.Jasmine was enraged in between a mantra of 'its mine give it back' .

Jasmine decided to add some spice to the drama and punch the few unlucky ones that were blocking her from namjoon.Hoseok looked at namjoon for confirmation and at Xandra sadly before punching the girl's head that was approaching him,rendering her unconsious.

"she'll wake up in a few" Hoseok raised his hands in surrender at Xandra who look defeated at the whole thing that happened.

"what happened?"

Xandra looked downly after seeing the person who asked her and saw that it was jungkook who sported a few purple bruises on his cheek.

"under the influence of her father's powers...she can't control it actually but she tries to not let emotions take over her because the powers takes advantage of her when she is vurnerable..it was also pure luck that i can control her emotions but day by day it seems to become stronger and i dont think i can do it anymore..and taehyung" Xandra looked at the boy who sat down at the floor, "please contain yourself from saying such things infront of her bacause at a moment like this...."

"she's dangerous"

[REWRITING] Are we still heroes? (bts fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now