26.Alpha's fight

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Sounds of the spaceship's engine being turned off filled the silent tense air.A booming sound of gas was heard and the door was finally opened.

The alpha team consisting on seokjin and hoseok with 5 agents stood infront of the ship.Seokjin leading infront with a metal hoseok beside him.

Alliester chuckled darkly at the sight with an unknown man beside him, "what a wonderful suprise"

Hoseok snorted, "unbelievable"

The unknown man had a bright smile when he glance at seokjin and hoseok reminding them of jungkook.

"my apologies" the unknown man bowed, "my name is hahn Ebsonia nice to meet ya!"

Seokjin coughed to cover up his laugh when he heard hahn's name. Nevertheless Hahn seemed to notice it immediatly and smiled sweetly at him.

"what are you laughing at?"

"nothing?" seokjin answered which sounded more like a question as he watched hahn jumping off from the platform.

Hoseok stiffled his laughter when hahn didn't even meet seokjin's level who crounched just to be an eye level for hahn.

Hahn sneered after noticing seokjin's position, "you should be careful to who you talk to"

"what you gonnna do? fight my knees?" This made the agents to laugh including yoongi and namjoon who were listening to the whole convo.

"i'll kill you before you c-"

"hahn" The boy looked up to Alliester before returning to his previous position.

An awkward silence wrapped itself around the air before seokjin broke it with another question, "where's your army?"

"my oh my you're missing them?" Hahn retorded but neither hoseok and seokjin flinched at the tone.After all,it was like talking to a 40 year old man stuck in an 8 years old body.

"nah just that you guys came here?without an army?whats the use of tipping our building like pisa?" hoseok exclaimed while pointing to the kim facility that was tipped dangerously.

"no worries" this time it was Alliester who was talking, "its on its way"

Sounds of guns being cocked filled the air making hoseok and seokjin to turn around and saw that the whole perimeter had been covered nicely by the terorist organization,leaving no room for an escape.

"good luck" hahn chirped happily just as the bullets were showered at seokjin and hoseok's direction.

"uh..shit?" Hoseok turned himself into metal and used his body as a shield to cover the agents while seokjin summoned his double portal to swallow the bullets and using another portal at the attacker's back.

Hoseok then tackled three of the attacker's,succesfully knocking them out with a powerful punch from his metal fist.

Seokjin who had been so distracted by punching the rest in the front didnt realize one of the men had their guns trained at him just seconds away to shooting him.

A loud thud echoed near him and he yelped when the sight of the men frozen in ice with an arrow stuck in his back greeted him.Looking up,he smiled at taehyung who was busy shooting the others as a sense of gratitude.

some agents were currently sprawled on their stomach due to injuries but other than that,they were mostly okay.Hoseok huffed out in relief after finishing off one of the men with his gun.

"amazing" Alliester clapped,his black cloak flew silently against the wind's command, "but that was just the begining"

Raising his fist,black tendrils of mist start coating his fist and immediatly,the terrorist group that were either slumped dead or unconscious rise to their feet groaning slightly.

Hoseok was left agape at a man who stood up even with a knife deeply lodged in it's brain.

"this is bad"

"we can use a little bad" a shrill voice answered causing hoseok to stumble back from the force of the strong wind.

Jungkook panted slightly,electric bolts glimmered around his torso while jimin lagged behind riding a wave.

"hyung duck!" it took hoseok a while to understand what jungkook was blabbering about until he saw the electric bolt that was thrown at him.

Ducking right on time,the electric bolt managed to shock 3 attackers at the same time creating blisters on their skin and the smell of roasted human meat filled the air.

Seokjin pulled a small cement monument of a kid and threw it to the unsuspecting attackers.He then approached the men and punch them,releasing bits of mushed human brain to the pavement.

Jungkook cringed in disgust at the sight, "what the fuck hyung?"

"shut up kook" he replied and threw a lampost behind jungkook who didn't notice one of the attackers trying to stab him.

"thank me later" jungkook stared blankly at the broken cement where the lampost had used to be.now littered with debris and cracks.

Shuddering at the thought if seokjin could easily crunch someones head like that.His prayers were answered when seokjin threw a man with a seemingly crushed head.

Yelping at the sight,he decided to busy himself with zapping the attackers.The pain in his heas finally dissapeared until an image of a pained jasmine appeared.

Anger fueled his mind,vein pulsing a bright blue until he exploded.Killing atleast half of the attackers.

Jimin who was busy trying to knock out an attacker with his water slicer was shocked when it slumped dead immediatly.Turning to his side,he saw jungkook pulsing angrily with bright flashes from the bolts of sparks on his body.

A car was thrown in the direction of jungkook but the boy simply held out his palm and the car was just mere ashes by a second.

A levitating Hahn cackled loudly at the sight, "jeon jungkook"

using the silence to his advantage hahn continued speaking, "you seem to have a soft spot for someone,let me guess...jasmine?"

"you piece of shit" Hoseok and seokjin instinctively flinched at the boy who was so close to losing his sanity.

"it wasn't my fault she was too easy to beat...bet the death of jenevie was yours too huh?" Jungkook's eyes welled in tears at the name of jenevie.

"stop" he muttered lowly.

Hahn only smirked at this.

"what are you saying murderer?" This pushed jungkook's buttons as hahn screamed when he was thrown back harshly from the electric blow jungkook graciously gave.

Alliester was shocked when one of his best fighter, hahn was slumped on his back with blood flowing freely from his nose to his mouth mixing with his abdomen which was stabbed with a broken metal.

The master of tridan was furious.Not at hahn,but at the boy who was sparking brightly from his powers.Jungkook also didn't fail to notice a black mist escaping its hold from the dead hahn's neck


"you killed him" Alliester trailed off eyes dilating in both fear and frustation, "you will pay for this"

"sure" jungkook shrugged nonchallantly, "on our deathbeds actually"

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