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Jimin sighed and messed his hair in frustation at the sight of guanlin using his powers in the hallway and almost breaking expensive stuff.

"guanlin stop it" The boy jumped to the ground at the shouting of one and only water surfer,jimin who is also his personal trainer.

"oh hyung wait where are you hyung" guanlin joked using his tall height as an advantage to jimin who scowled lightly.

"oof" guanlin grunted in pain when jimin punched the boy's abdomen.

Jimin's eyes in twinkled in confidence, "oh i didn't see you there too guanlin-ah"

He took out his hand and hoisted a pained guanlin to his feet, "cmon namjoon needs us in the confrence room"

It was pure luck that the conference room was just right across them,pushing open the door they were greeted with only namjoon sitting in the middle of the long table.

"where are the others?"

"on their way" Namjoon muttered and fixed his glasses that were challenging him by continously slipping down his nose bridge.

As if on cue,loud booming laughter echoed in the hallway and the door was neatly open by jungkook who had a ruffled hair beside him seokjin and taehyung were having a war.

The rest soon piled in with a few sarcastic remarks on how early jimin is.

It was only quitted down when the two girls entered the room and everyone wiggled their eyebrows at jungkook who was now tight-lipped and blushing.

"quickster is quite now i see" Namjoon commented which earned a few laughs from the others.

He turned on his computer clicking a few buttons as he does so and a blue hologram lighted up the dark room.The hologram was static for a while before slowly forming a picture of a familiar man.

"Alliaster Gallaghan so called 'master' whom attacked us very recently was actually a college student.Until he was kidnapped and told be deceased by police officers" Namjoon swiped to the left where a picture of a man gripping tightly from what seems to be a cane to jungkook, "so i hired a squad to do a quick sweep of the whole thing and look what we found"

"Isn't that the card man?" jimin asked.

"clark killer actually" seokjin answered.

Namjoon played the video that was recorded by a cctv and saw the two familiar people in the busy streets of seoul's night market.That was when they notice a dark hooded man lurking in the shadows,just waiting for Alliester,the college student to pass through to where he was hiding.

A hand was closed to his mouth to prevent Alliester from screaming and punch the boy,succesfully knocking him out cold.

Jimin eyes widen at how quick the whole thing happened and saw The dark hooded man lifting the unconsious boy up to a truck.

The video ended but another video played,this time the truck was heading to a warehouse on a close unhabitated site of seoul.

Eventhough it was night, everyone can see thousands of guards outside the warehouse.

Yoongi groaned in realization, "bullshit"

Taehyung who was beside him grimaced at the heat yoongi was radiating but who could blame the fiery boy when the guards wore the exact same attire as the terrorist organization they last fought.

"yes to answer your assumptions they are the group that had attacked us earlier" Namjoon stated.

Guanlin and the two girls were confused.

"what organization?"

"a terrorist organization that...killed one of us" jimin's tone was sorrowful and he was still angry for the people who only caused extra chaos in his life.

"jenevie yoon is it ?" When jungkook was the one who answered her question,she felt a pang of pain in her heart.

She doesn't know who this girl is but seeing jungkook so wrecked over her really pushed a few buttons in herself.

Namjoon collected his posture at the mention of his beloved friend, "looks guys,it's the past now.All we have to do is be strong for jenevie and stop dwelling in the past that surely won't revive her from the dead but result in us rotting in our own selves"

The others nodded at namjoon's touching speech,even jungkook could feel a burst of energy in his limbs.

"unfortunately that was the only tape of Alliester's kidnapping and quite possibly the brain-washing of the poor kid" Namjoon clicked an image of a blueprint, "map to nesologia"

Jimin snickered, "what a lovely name"

"shut up jimin this is the place where clark killer had brought Alliester.it's also a possible way to find if the other hostages we've caught might still be alive"

Jin's eyes widen in suprise at namjoon's words, "if they are still alive...won't we be outnumbered?"

"no worries,im gonna be sending a team to scoop up the place"

Jungkook rose his hand, "if alliester is human why did he say he was from tridan?"

"that's the th-" namjoon's sentence was cutted off when he heard guanlin's groans of pain.

The others turned around to face the boy curiously but flinched when he stood up so suddenly.

"oh god no no noooo" guanlin wailed and fresh tears streamed down.

"that man is actually my father and Alliester was just a toy so his soul can inhabit it and now" he grunted for a bit, "trust me you guys dont want to get on his bad side"

jungkook laughed for a bit, "he literally surrendered infront of us,i fail to see h-"

"thats cause he wants everyone to think he is weak" guanlin snapped hurting jungkook's feelings for a bit but he didnt show it.

"if he makes you guys think that he is weak,it will be easier for him to fight knowing that you guys had let your guard down" guanlin's explanation made sense but the tension thicken once again when guanlin almost smashed his head on the table.

"get out of my head!" yoongi who was far awy realize that someone is probably controlling his mind.

He heard guanlin muttering a quite fine and turn around to face everyone's scared face.

"alliester...has a message for everyone"

[REWRITING] Are we still heroes? (bts fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now