19.code green

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Seokjin fixed the wet towel on his hand until a subtle footsteps resonated through the big hallway.

Groaning in annoyance at the person who was disturbing him from wiping his van gogh potrait that was placed outside his door.

When he turned around to face the person,he was shock to see yoongi exiting his dorm room dressed in a colourful sweater.

Seokjin was now confused.If yoongi had left earlier then....who is this guy?

"where are you going?" seokjin asked.

yoongi turned around to smile at seokjin, "im going out hyung"

3 points for seokjin

The colourful sweater yoongi smiled at seokjin for a bit and went for a hug but when seokjin showed off his dusted apron,this yoongi thought otherwise.

Pretending to pull in his van gogh potrait in his room,he took out his card and clicked namjoon's name alongside with a green button.

code green

code green

jungkook who was walking aimlessly in the stairs saw the nervous yoongi who wore the colourful sweater.

'thats weird' the young boy thought and flashed a dashing bunny smile to which yoongi replied by showing off his gums to the boy.

This time making jungkook more weirded out.It would take a rooster to lay an egg for yoongi to wear something as bright as that sweater is.

He met seokjin who had a scared look at the end of the stairs.When he was about to open his mouth,he was met with the others who still had a confused look just as he is.

Seokjin motioned everyone to hold their hands together while using his powers to teleport them to a secret soundproof meeting room.

"whats a code green?" guanlin asked.

"a code to close all the possible exits in the kim facility" yoongi's voice resonated from namjoon's phone.

"and im actually still at the park" jungkook gasped loudly once every thoughts made sense, "no wonder that fake yoongi was smiling a lot"

"so is that a carbon copy or the person who can shift their face?" jimin ask.

"i dont even kn- gotta go guys" yoongi's frantic voice set off a few alarmed looks from his concerned friends and they huffed out in dissapointment when the were greeted by the red end button on the screen.

"we need to get him" a chorus of yes was heard but only one didn't agree with the idea.

"we need to have a plan first"


A boy wandered around the empty corridor of kim facility.wondering why a man in the name of kim namjoon hadn't pass him.

"weird" the boy fixed his crumpled colourful sweater and braced for a girl's sharp voice in his earpiece.

kim namjoon

kim namjoon

where are you?


Yoongi was slumped on a seat forcefully,almost making his cold americano spill.

He stared at the woman whose attention was fully on the blue crystal glass infront of him.

she looks like an idiot

"i would watch that mouth if i were you" the woman finally spoke.She had sported a green cloak and her eyes were a wild grey.

People would have thought she wasn't scary until they can see her piercing eye colour.

"i read minds min yoongi what makes you think i dont know whats happening in that small brain of yours?" the girl smirked.

"obviously you dont recognize me..." awkward silence wrapped itself around the athmosphere, "and im really sorry for forcing you to come here"

Yoongi scowled at the woman, "who are you and what do y-"

The woman stood up suddenly and teared yoongi's leather jacket while throwing it as far away from other tents.

Yoongi who watched his favourite jacket gettip ripped by an unknown stranger was beyond enraged.He was about to approach the lady with his flaming fist ready for action when the woman pushed him down and with a simple flick of her green cane coiled with small snakes,she had summoned a green shield made of mist ontop of them.

The woman could hear every single bars of curses yoongi had made and cringed at how awfully painful it sounded knowing that all of them were directed to him.

"bomb" the woman spoke to yoongi who was still fuming and right on cue, a big explosion rattled their senses.

"you're lucky yoongi,i tore your jacket off because the dumb-ass clowns you were with slipped a ticking bomb in one of your pockets" the woman explained.

Yoongi was terrified at how sneaky the clowns actually were, "why are you even helping me?"

"because you're one of the people whom jenevie trusts"

A loud music cutted off their conversation and when yoongi turned on his phone he saw namjoon's name on it and immediatly clicked answer.


"where are you yoongi" yoongi was suprised when it was seokjin's voice.

"i told you i was going to starbucks and the park nearby why?"

"cause there's another yoongi pretending to be you" seokjin's sentence made yoongi's heart to thump faster as if it was right in his throat.

"we're having a meeting you might not want to miss out" namjoon's voice finally came through the speaker.

When namjoon put the phone on speaker he could hear guanlin asking what a code green is.He laughed at the confused boy's tone and answered it himself, "a code to close all the possible exits in the kim facility"

after a short silence he decided to tell everyone that he was still at a park which resulted in a loud gasp probably from quickster jungkook but chose to leave the bomb incident aside.

"so is that a carbon copy or the person who can shift their face?" he heard jimin's voice asking again.

To say yoongi was annoyed was indeed true but he didnt want to hurt the boy's feeling so he tried to answer.

key word : tried

A large boulder pierced through the silky tent and almost pancaked a stunned yoongi.

"i dont even kn- gotta go guys" he replied before turning off the phone and stuffing it in his pocket.He turned around to see the woman looking very unimpressed.

"my name is nova orion and not the woman" nova the woman fummed.

A roar from the outside made yoongi jump a bit at the sudden and he was shock.

The clowns that had crowded him earlier were all around the place holding guns and other dangerous things but one stood out the most.

The bulky frame of the clown made him rub his eyes in confirmation that the chimpanzee looking clown was 9 feet tall.

"holy shit"

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