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"you need to tell him how you feel jas.if you continue doing like this it'll just be like waitting seokjin to stop cracking dad-jokes everywhere.it'll be impossible and you wont be able to win his heart" Xandra's voice reminding jasmine who shook her head violently.

what if it went wrong?what if the friendship turns awkward? what i-

"hey jazz" Jasmine froze in her step eyes wide at the who the owner of the voice is.Half expecting it to be Xandra to slap her shoulder but instead she was greeted by jungkook's bright bunny smile.

"hey kook" she smiled brightly until the name she despised the most tackled her happy feelings to the ground with its massive anger and jealousy.

"hey jungkook" the boy look at her,his brown bangs jumping ontop of his brows.

"who's jenevie?" jungkook felt the time ticking slowly when he heard jasmine ask him that question.

"she used to be my hero" jungkook muttered slowly while biting his lips to stop his tears from escaping again.

Jasmine felt guilty looking at the strong boy looking vurnerable right now, "i-im so sorry for asking questions like th-"

"it's okay jazz let's just go to the rooftop"

The whole walk to the rooftop was quite with the occasional hums of a slush corner.They both sat opposite each other,feet dipped to the cold swimming pool.

"can we continue the convo again?" jungkook cleared his throat and nodded at jasmine who was busy tapping the clear glass table.

"jenevie was actually the youngest in our team.i- Everyone loves her.She's nice but sometimes she's angry too.Alot like yoongi i suppose.Jenevie's very selfless too" jungkook ruffled his hair in a frustated manner.

"it was...when i got kidnapped by the terrorist organization,she was the one who tried to loosen up my handcuffs that restrains me from using my powers" jungkook stopped for a bit to regain his composure, "when the cuffs were off,i-i accidently zapped her with my electric bolt"

Jasmine mouth hung open in shock while jungkook struggled to suppress his anger and sadness.Bolts of lighting had already burned some holes of his shirt.

"your shirt is burning"

"i know" he answered solemnly.

"it's not your fault jungk-"

"it would be if i was even aware of being kidnapped" jasmine stared at the boy who had a broken look on his face, "i caused her death.if o-only"

Jungkook couldn't continue his sentence as a booming sob errupted from his throat.

"and now...i lost taehyung too" When he looked up he saw the said boy flying around the clouds with his big pair of wings.

"hey that's him" jasmine concluded and gave jungkook the blueberry slush she had ordered from the slush corner.

Just as jungkook was about to say something,the whole building shook violently which made jasmine to scream out of fright and take out her sword that materialize in thin air.

Jungkook eyed the gleaming sword in her hand and her face that had two lines illuminating her skin.He also inspected the whole place.

Only the kim facility was shaking.The other buildings around them seem untouched.

Another shake of the building made jungkook to lose his balance and fall to the ground.He yelped in fright when one of the tables were aimed at him.

Tossing a small lightning bolt,what used to be a table was now mere ashes.

The building was now tilted dangerously and unfortunately for jungkook he had toppled over the railing just to avoid the falling tables and chairs.

The last table finally fell,hitting the hands of jungkook who screamed in pain and fear as he fell down the building.

"jungkook!" jasmine clutched tightly on her sword that she had plunged onto the rooftop's floor while wailing at the sight of jungkook falling.


min yoongi

Yoongi rapidly look from left to right.When he turned to his right,he realize the voice calling him was getting more louder until he stopped at the empty storage room.

He opened the door to the dark room and used his fire ball to lighten the room up.

There,standing at the end of the room was no other than nova.Her green mist escaping from her closed fist and one hand on her green cane.

"yoongi you don't understand"

"understand what?"

Nova looked up,her silver eyes piercing through his soul.

"that your life is in danger" Nova's mouth were closed but her voice sounded so loud as if she was speaking to him.

"im talking to you in your mind and i dont have much time" yoongi closed his mouth and nodded for nova to continue.

"Alliester is much more powerful now and you need to prepare yourself and your friends.Trust guanlin.He knows what he is doing and please dont hurt melissa and shadow"

Yoongi scoffed at the last sentence, "they tried to take my friend's life away with the whole bombing incident and you think its easy to trust them?"

"they've done it for a reason.we're here to help you defeat alliester.But with all of you combined,im afraid it is impossible to defeat him.thats why we stole one of your purple vials that we call bio-necula.Since you and your friend taehyung are now exposed to the substance,your powers are gonna be more stronger than before..." Nova immediatly summoned a green mist on yoongi's left side and just as he was about to say something,the whole building shook and pushes a shrieking yoongi to the cloud of green mist summoned by nova.

"this is alliester's doing.As i said,time is ticking .have hope.you are stronger than this and...jenevie counts on you all.i have to go now and if you need help just call my name" Nova last said before dissapearing in a puff of green mist leaving yoongi in a confused state.

[REWRITING] Are we still heroes? (bts fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now