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When everyone exited the room,jimin made it apparent that he had some discussion with namjoon.The boy fiddled nervously with his furry hoodie and finally saw the booming tall frame at the back of the line so quickly making a beeline,he laughed when namjoon jumped after not noticing him.

"gosh can you be more unsuprising just like the suprise we had with jasmine"

"we're already done with hooka pooka shit joon her friend explained it" jimin sniffed and looked around expecting to see others but was glad to see none, "im actually here to talk about yoongi and taehyung"

Namjoon's blood froze at the question but relaxed when he realize it was just jimin.

"i just need to find some triggering parts to unlock their powers a-"

"no joon im talking about them changing"

The boys sighed sadly.It was true,taehyung and yoongi aren't exactly themselves for now.

"they probably just need some space for now" jimin nodded at namjoon's statement but turned around to ask another question that has been lingering in his mind.

"what do you mean by triggering parts?"


Xandra fidgetted with the sword in her hands.She stared at Jasmine who was still knocked out on the medbed.

The others crowded around the bed.Each head filled with confused thougts.Yoongi has a qestion eatching to be said.

"how can namjoon not know she has powers?"

Xandra avoided his glare, "he said he knows us as great fighters not as people with superabilities"

She then stood up with the sword in one hand, "im taking this to her room,she might go berserk later on if she sees any of you guys touching it"

Taehyung's loud scoff was heard, "how are you not afraid of her"

"thats cause i trust her taehyung" she replied and dashed off to her shared bedroom.

Yoongi shook his head at taehyung's snarky attitude and was about to snap if it wasn't for seokjin's hand that gripped his wrist tightly,signalling him not to do anything.

"im going to my room you guys should rest too" yoongi announced and gently closed the door with everyone following suit.

Leaving jungkook and taehyung in the room with occasional beeps of jasmine's heart monitor.

"hyung why are you like this?" taehyung turn around to face the boy.


"your negative attitude is ruinning the athmosphere please tell me whats wrong" the younger pleaded.

"im okay jungkook im fi-"

"you're not" jungkook was adamant to bring back the bubbly taehyung, "you're gonna rot in yourself if you dont tell us your problems"

the killing silence made jungkook to huff sadly at failing to stop a disaster.

"we are family taehyung what makes you think we don't care?" was what he last said before turning his back and leaving taehyung alone in the room.


Yoongi grunted in discomfort.He has been laying in the bed for 10 minutes and he still cant sleep like how he normally does.

"why am i not sleeping?" he muttered to himself and turned on his phone to see what time it is and gasp.

It was still 2pm and finally stood up to change his clothes.Seokjin who saw yoongi all dressed up in the hallway scrunched his brows in confusion.

"yah yoongi" he shouted, "where are you going"

"starbucks and park" yoongi fixed his black leather jacket, "i couldn't sleep"

When he opened the door, the crisp air hit his face and he smiled gleefuly.

"fresh air" yoongi chanted like a mantra,one hand holding a cup of iced americano and one holding blue cotton candy which had now almost melted from the air.

All yoongi wanted was to take a walk in the park drinking his coffee in silence but when he saw that the park had been changed into a carnival,he decided to change his mind.

Colourful confetti were threwn on his face.To say he was angry would be an understandment but when the colourful paper started burning from his anger,he took deep breaths to calm himself and stared furiously at the clown that seemed to never lose his smile.

"would you like to tryyyy~" their wild voice stirred his fighting instincts even more with them pressing their fluffed body out at him.

He decided enough was enough.Focusing too much on something would cost a life so yoongi thought of a plan for escape.

He smirked when one the clown's colourful wig had a sprout of tiny fire lit on top.

"your hair is on fire" yoongi cooly muttered eventhough he was dying inside at their reaction to the fire.

One was rolling on the ground while other was slapping puddle water on its head.

disgusting would be the word for the whole scene.

min yoongi

Yoongi turned around wildly.

min yoongi

That wasn't his voice and surely wasn't his imagination.

come come

His sharp eyes landed on a purple tent,almost obscured by the public eye and beside it was a wooden plank with the words

Nova Orion's mind reading

He wanted to scoff at the cringey title but before he could think so,his feet had been moved automatically to the purple tent.

When he wanted to move his mouth,he realize he couldn't talk but only move under the command of whoever this person is.

[REWRITING] Are we still heroes? (bts fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now