35.break the ice

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"so she just walzted in thin air?impressive" jungkook scratched his chin thoughtfully,letting go of alliester from his lightning hold.

"what the hell is break the ice supposed to mean?" jenevie screeched and stared at the fading green mist as if she was expecting nova to come back again.Shadow and melissa were by her side rubbing soothing circles on the woman's shoulder but neither it could dissipate jenevie's anger.

"i came back from the dead for this?" she snorted while shadow was trying so hard not to smack jenevie from the back of her head.

"break the ice kid" melissa muttered.

Hearing another stampede of buffalo steps,they tracked the sound until it landed on a man with 6 wings and another riding a water wave.

"we heard yall screaming" taehyung started off sass dripping from every word, "and we would like to offer you all some help"

"whats everyone with the 'offer' word" jenevie snickered earning a light laugh from shadow.

Taehyung nod his head at jungkook who shrugged his shoulders non-challantly and mouthed "period"

"whats wrong with her?"

Melissa sighed dramaticaly at this, "nova gave us another riddle to kill this....." she stared at Alliester for a moment,trying to figure out what animal he resembled, "antelope"

Alliester wriggled against the holds of jenevie and shadow who then proceeds to give her a pissed glance.

"break the ice guys" jungkook repeated staring at taehyung's six wings that flapped around gently.

"break the ice?thats easy" forming a small ice ball,he made it float infront of alliester's face and immediatly popped it.

The man squirmed against the piercingly cold ice fractles and the black necklace shook vigorously with new cuts forming on his skin. Taehyung held a suprised gasp after seeing the new revealation.

"antelope's a big kitty cat of ice" jungkook grinned proudly, "ice him up tae"

Taehyung only smirked at this and blasted powerful winds of freezing ice from his hands which made him flap all his six wings dangerously fast.

Alliester only gritted his teeth at this, "you think of me lowly"

"as if" jimin rolled his eyes and stared at jenevie expectantly, "what?"

"plan?" the gurl huffed out tiredly,



The table was slammed and a few cracks had appeared,one of the leaders for the mission,Minhyuk flinched at the sudden noise.

"why did you let it fail?" The boss shouted.Even the white coat he wore that was filled with multiple syringes clanked wildly.

"they have killed atleast 3 teams sir" Minhyuk uttered.

"have you gave them the cure?" the boss asked.

"yes sir"

"very well" the boss smirked evilly at this, "earth will no longer be ruled by stupid politicians and presidents but only...."

Pressing the blue button,the nozzle of the huge gatling gun that was poised at the top of their aircraft pointed down, directly to where Alliester was held captive by the other superheroes team.

"by me" the boss muttered and clicked the red button,bullets scattering around quickly.


Jimin watched the whole scene nervously.The feeling of dread and anxiousness fills the pit of his stomach making hisfingers twitch gently.

He could hear the slushing of water nearby and the shouts of orders of jenevie.Choosing to stay back to protect their backs,jimin was sure he heard something nearby.

His hands shot up immediatly, creating a barrier.His friends had an equal look of concern with jenevie being the first to speak up, "what's going on jimin?"

"i dont kno-" his sentence was cut off when a bullet grazed his thigh, creating a big wound which dripped with fresh warm blood.

"what the hell?" guanlin cursed and fofmed two big tornados to the thick clouds which he thought were the intruders hide out.

When hesaw the faint brown colour of the aircraft,guanlin heaved out another bigger tornado with the help of jenevie's mist to strengthen it and quicken the pace.

Jimin was groaning in pain at his soaked thigh while taehyung had ripped off a piece of his shirt to stop the bleeding.

"melissa" taehyung called out, "put pressure"

The girl only nodded at this and shooed taehyung away with her bloody fingertips.

Taehyung was beyond furious as he approached Alliester who had a sick smile with his fangs.

"you brought them here" taehyung's finger wrapped tightly around Alliester's neck.

"i didn't"

"you liar"

"taehyung!" shadow shouted, "he's telling the truth"

Taehyung's eyes squinted at this, "how do you kn-"

"im one of his trusted generals but i betrayed him please just trust me" shadow had tears in her eyes as she pleaded, "he's not with them"

A pissed guanlin came stomping to their place, "piece of s they got away again"

Jenevie stared hard at the cursing boy and smacked him from the head, "language!"

"Alliester's plan was to take back the bio-necula...not to destroy your lives" shadow explained despite the glance Alliester had gave, "i had to barge in and warn you guys with the help of nova's future reading,his plan was dangerous and i had to stop it but use a nice way to take it back"

She took deep breaths as she saw taehyung taking out nullifying cuffs from jimin's back pocket.

"whats that?"

"this" taehyung pointed at the cuffs, "stops the person from using their powers"

"but the bio-necula is used already..i dont think we've got another copy of it" melissa huffed sadly.

"actually" a foreign voice interrupted their conversation casually.There having a cheeky smile despite his weakened state was none other than kim namjoon.

"i had its replica"

[REWRITING] Are we still heroes? (bts fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now