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Taehyung stood perched on the edge of the tall skyscraper.Giving the best view as a bird-watcher.

Guanlin was calmly staring out in the horizon when he saw something out of the ordinary flying.When he saw the familiar butterfly wings,he was literally panicking.

"everybody close your ea-" too late.

A shrill screaming came from the girl whose mouth was wide open and wings flapping wildly.

Taehyung gritted his teeth in pain.The shrill sound was so similar to the screaming of a narwhale,the boy was even considering death at this point.

"maria at your service" Guanlin stared furiously at the human narwhale while still trying to clear out the ringing in his ears.

When the two met eyes,maria smiled sweetly at guanlin who scowled in return of pure hatred.

"traitor of tridan,you do have the confidence to stare me down like that" Maria slurred.Currently enjoying the way guanlin flinched at the word traitor .

"i dont want to kill you mari-"

"you were the one who left him!" Maria cutted off guanlin's sentence screaming furiously,her high notes finally escaping through a few words.

"IT WAS HIS CHOICE" Guanlin deadpanned the stubborn maria who was now crying .

taehyung was confused at the whole thing, "am i supposed to do something?"

Maria turned to him shoving her wrist infront of his face,"yes cut this"

This added more confusion to taehyung who had his eyes wide open, "you want me to cut what?"

Guanlin had a bright smile on his face, "are you sure about this ma-"

"yes i am guanlin.if it meant saving tridan then i am doing it"

"why can't you use your voice to cut it?"

Maria janggled her wrist and taehyung could see black mist clasped to it, "these cuffs are used for alliester to control us.Disobey you die.It also recognizes its owner's powers so its clearly impossible for me to free myself unless i have the bio-necula in my blood"

Taehyung froze after hearing the words bio-necula.Since he was exposed to it,he knew he could open it but then realization hit him like a truck, "how did you know i had the bio-necula in my body?"

Forming a small ice blade on his pinky finger,he thrusted the blade fron the bottom of the cuffs to up.When the cuffs were finally off her,maria instantly did a double loop in happiness and freedom.

"i can literally smell it from afar including that fiery friend of yours and hey your friend is falling" maria replied before she flew away,almost slapping taehyung's face with her wings.

The boys both saw what maria was talking about when she held a pretty big Namjoon on her arms and landing him safely on the ground.

Seeing the others also getting more out-numbered,The squad knew they had to help.


bad move

bad word

bad choice

Jungkook was now flying in mid-air,hands furiously trying to unclasp whatever force was trying to choke him.

The boy was turning blue by the second while his friends watched him helplessly not being able to do anything due to Alliester's mind control which had now shutted them down from helping jungkook.

"dying seems sweet right?" Alliester smirked at jungkook who sneered back trying to shock alliester with his powers but due to his weakened state,he also couldn't do anything.

"a bit salty if you taste it" yoongi mumbled,smilling at alliester with his hands in his pockets.

Alliester could have shuddered in fear at how calm yoongi but still he held an authorative glare at the boy while still holding jungkook in mid-air.

A huge green mist blinded alliester for a second which resulted in jungkook free-falling down to the ground if it wasn't for guanlin who saw the boy falling and casting out his wind to safely land the boy.

Nova appeared infront of Alliester who grunted in anger.Due to the distraction,yoongi coated his hands with flames and immediatly threw fire balls to Alliester's direction while giving a small nod to namjoon.

The latter nods back and use his energy projections to the fireball.perfectly aiming it so the explosion would happen on time.

Nova then stabbed her cane on the platform which surrounds yoongi and namjoon in a green forcefield.Seconds later,an explosion resonated and black smokes rose itself up into the air.

Caught up in staring at the smokes,nova failed to see the hand that was currently choking on her on the throat.

Her cane was thrown aside and nova was again left helpless staring at alliester who was snarling at her with only her hands to be used as a weapon.Yoongi knew he had to act quick so he started throwing fire at the two that were levitating in the air but seeing the fire had bounce harmlessly,he realize alliester had probably casted another forcefield around them.

He then took the bad move which was handing her cane resulting in yoongi being pushed back harshly and pain flared to his hand which were partly blistered too.

He turned to namjoon who was also helpless in not knowing what to do.Rapid footsteps and wild snarls filled the dead silence.When the boy turned around to see whatever the chaos is,he regreted it instantly.

An enormous group of dogs with potruding bones and jagged set of sharp teeth were already barking at them.The leader,yoongi suppose now ran to the boy with his mouth open and drool hanging from the corner of its lips.

Everybody stood up to their places,powers in view for the dogs to see.When they started barking wildly,everyone realeased a battle cry and began swingging their weapons wildly.

Grimacing at how ugly the dog is,yoongi still smiled sweetly at the pack surrounding him.One made the wrong move of swipping his cheek which resulted on them being burned alive to ashes and a mere friend of the dust.

At his back was namjoon who pointed every single gun to the wild hound.Perfectly shooting the dogs on the head.

Namjoon shook his pocket in despair groaning slightly in panic.Yoongi clearly heard the distressed sound emitted from namjoon instantly mimicked the stance, "whats wrong?"

"im out of bullets matchstick" well thats totally something that is wrong.

Namjoon started focusing on throwing his energy balls to the strays that had escaped yoongi's barbeque session but yelped suddenly when a thick vine had wrapped itself on his ankle causing blood to flow in his head as he hanged upside down in mid-air.

Namjoon wriggled around to see who the owner of this vine in.Almost immediatly a smilling girl clad in a whole green outfit cackled wildly at the sight.

"peterpan" the girl scowled,her piercing green eyes slanted in anger at the nickname given by namjoon.

"im not peterpan" she mumbled through gritted teeth, "Im Alecia"

"im namjoon" he replied and used his mind to unhinge the vine that was wrapped around his ankle and completely forgetting the fact that he was high above the air.

"guys im fall-" He was shocked when he felt himself landing on girl's grasp with butterfly wings .Flashing a beautiful smile at the confused boy before leaving him to stand on his feet.

The earpiece in his pocket filled with static noise at first until taehyung's voice resonated through it, "hyung thats maria she's a good person"

"you sure?"

"she could've let peterpan girl kill you but instead she saved your ass so...?" Namjoon only laughed in response at the same nickname he gave Alecia.Craning his neck upwards,taehyung waved at him before flying down with his wings and a few agents in tow on his arms.

[REWRITING] Are we still heroes? (bts fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now