Chapter One: An Unexpected Treasure

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~Chrollo's Point of View~

       The sun beats down causing the horizon to warp. The only noise is three different sets of footsteps falling on the dirt and the jingling of the treasure in Shalnark's pocket. Our mission went over without a hitch. Sure we killed a few people, but we were able to make off with the Gem of the Heavens. It'll sell nicely once I'm ready to part with it. At the moment I just want to get back to our base that lies in a cave underneath Meteor City and take a shower.

       "What is that?" Feitan says, breaking the silence.

       Shalnark and I look to where he's pointing, half convinced that he's just seeing a mirage. Each step closer the more apparent it becomes that it's not a trick of the mind, but it's, in fact, a real dead body.

       I've seen a lot of dead bodies, mostly maimed and covered in blood. This one is covered in dirt. Upon closer inspection, we are able to clearly see that it's a female and she appears to have passed from dehydration. Her lips are dry and cracked.

       Shalnark squats down and begins to check her neck for a pulse, while Feitan rummages through her pockets and the nap sack next to her. Fei pulls out a wad of odd looking paper.

       "It looks like money," he says, handing the paper in question to me.

       I examine one of the bills. "Ashran. The currency only used in the Ash Kingdom." No one knows much about the Kingdom of Ash. It's as isolated and cut off from society as the NGL.

       "You mean the kingdom to the west?" Shalnark inquires, his fingers still pressed to her neck.

       "Yes. If that's where she came from then she's been wandering out here for at least five days," I speculate.

       "No signs of food or water in her bag," Feitan says, straightening back up with her bag slung over his shoulder.

       "She's still alive!" Shalnark announces.

       I don't know what pushes me to do it, but I use Gyo to look at her. A large amount of aura is emanating from her body, almost like a leaky faucet.

       "Let's take her with us," I say, not understanding why. Maybe I'm just intrigued to know what abilities that frail body holds. Perhaps she knows of a rare treasure behind the walls of Ash. Maybe she, herself is a treasure. Whatever it may be, I must have her. If the truth is lackluster then I'll kill her.

"Boss?" Feitan asks, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Did I stutter?"

Shal slips one arm under her neck and the other under her knees.

About an hour and a half after we came across the girl, I take her from Shalnark. With us being another hour away I don't want to take the risk of him dropping her. He protests, but I assure him that it's not a problem.

Having called ahead, the troupe is waiting for our arrival. Machi has a saline drip ready and Phinks carries the girl to my bed.

"We will all take turns watching her through her recovery. Since Machi has more medical experience than any of us she will be on standby until the girl wakes up," I say to the puzzled faces of the troupe.

"Not to question your authority," a silky voice begins from a dark corner. A red-haired man emerges from the shadows, a menacing smile challenging his lips. I never understood how a paper-pale man with a star and a teardrop painted on his face could look so intimidating. "But what is the reason we are taking this girl into our care? Is she someone of importance to you? Perhaps she's the daughter of a world leader you want to exact revenge on? I'm only asking because the last time I checked the Phantom Troupe wasn't in the business of philanthropy or charity."

Even though none of the other members vocalized it, I could tell by looking at their face that they all agreed with the clown.

A small smile tugs at my lips. "Pure curiosity. If she doesn't meet my standards then we will get rid of her." It's clear none of them understand but they take my answer nonetheless.

Once they all gather that I have nothing more to say on the subject they disperse to their preferred areas of the underground mansion we call home. Machi goes to my room, deciding to take first watch.

I resign to my study. I place the Gem of the Heaven's in a display case where it will stay until I tire of it.


It's been a week since we brought the girl to our hideout and she is finally awake. Pakunoda was the one watching her when she stirred. She immediately came and found me.

The color has returned to her face. Her E/C colored eyes blink slowly as she takes in her surroundings.

"Where am I?" She croaks, her throat sounding drier than the desert she almost died in.

"You are a guest in the home of the Phantom Troupe," I answer, gauging her reaction. If my assumption is correct and she truly did escape from the Kingdom of Ash, then the name shouldn't elicit much of a reaction.

Her face twists in confusion. "Phantom Troupe?"

As I suspected, she has no idea who we are. "It's what my friends and I are known as."

She nods her head.

"My name is Chrollo Lucilfer and I am the leader of our small group." I offer her a small smile.

"F/N L/N."

Little is known about the Ash Kingdom and the people there, however, I know enough to recognize her last name. "Any relation to the king of Ash?"

She hesitates.

"It would be to your benefit to answer me truthfully. I happen to be very perceptive to lies," I say, the threat evident in my tone.

Suddenly tears pour down her face. "Please don't make me go back there." Her bottom lip quivers and genuine fear consumes her eyes.

"You have nothing to worry about. If I decide that your presence is not beneficial to my troupe then the only place you will be going is six feet under the earth." I try not to lie. I may be a thief and a murderer, but I abide by my word and only lie when necessary.

She nods her head with a sad look glossing her eyes. "Yes. I am the only daughter of King L/N."

"Now tell me, what kind of Nen do you possess?" Focusing on my Gyo I can still see the streams of aura flowing from her body.

"Nen? I'm sorry, but I'm unfamiliar with the term," she says, gently sucking on her bottom lip.

"Nen is the ability to control manipulate your aura," I explain as simply as possible. "Everyone has an aura, but very few can use Nen. Most of the time, those who know nothing of Nen don't have open aura nodes, but when I focus my aura and look at you I can see you have an abundance of overflowing aura."

She examines herself but comes up empty. "I'm sorry, again I am at a loss for what you are talking about."

With this revelation, I should kill her. She clearly has nothing to offer, but I'm hesitant. Only mulling over my options for a brief moment I settle on a plan of action. "Allow me to teach you. If you do not show worthwhile results in a months time, then I will waste no time in killing you."

What is it about this girl that is making me act out of character?

"We'll start with basics and once you master those we will move on to determining what kind of Nen you possess," I say, standing up. "Before we start your training you should eat and get cleaned up. I'll send someone up with food and a change of clothes. You are welcome to use my shower in the meantime."

I exit the room and find Feitan leaning against the wall. His eyes are full of disapproval, but he remains silent. After all, I am the boss and what I say goes.

       "I hope this little project of yours doesn't spell trouble for the troupe," Hisoka's voice sings from the other end of the hallway.

You and me both...

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