Chapter Twelve: YorkNew City

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Once we finished our business in Ash, most of the troupe went their separate ways. Chrollo and I went to a small island that the troupe sometimes uses as another hideout or meeting place. On the way there we passed by another island that resembled the form of a whale.

       For two months it was just me and Chrollo. We were alone and everything was blissful. We swam in the ocean, some nights we slept under the stars, and most days we never left the bed except to shower and eat. Every day was shared in peace and love.

"Y/N," Chrollo smiles, wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling his face into my neck. "I love you, so much, my treasure."

       I turn around, running my hands up his bare chest. "Do we have to leave the island? Can't we just stay here forever, you and me?"

       He chuckles and tucks his finger under my chin, forcing me to look up at him. He swiftly closes the gap between our mouths, running his tongue over the top of mine. He pulls back but the distance doesn't grow. "As much as I'd love that, I want to show you the world. I want to conquer the world with you by my side."

       I smile, my heart alight with joy. "So where is it that we're heading?" I lean over his arm and grab my wine glass. Bring the slightly sweet but mostly bitter substance to my lips, I stare into his sultry grey eyes  over the rim.

"YorkNew City," he smiles. "There's an auction that's about to begin and there are several items that interest me. The rest of the troupe will be meeting us there. You and I will arrive before they do. I want to take you around the city."

       "And we leave tonight?" I set my empty glass back down and give him a small kiss.

       He nods and returns my show of affection. "The troupe will be arriving two after we reach the city tomorrow."

~ Time Skip ~

       The lights of the city are unlike anything I've ever seen. I stare at the cars with wide eyes. I'd only ever seen one on the TV back at the hideout, making this my first time seeing one in person.

       "Stay by my side," Chrollo smiles as he steps forward and holds his arm out. I take a moment to admire him in a nice suit and tie. Over the time we spent on the island I've seen in clothes other than his purple jacket but never anything as perfectly tailored as what he wears now. He even wears a cloth tied around his head with his hair hanging loose.

       A bright yellow car stops in front of us and my prince of darkness holds the door open while motioning for me to climb in.

       We drive around the city and Chrollo points out monuments and famous tourist locations. We pass restaurants and shops alike. Finally, after driving around for an hour or more, the vehicle stops in front of a ritzy looking hotel.

        "This is where you'll be staying during the auction. I'll come to see you as often as I can," he says as we step into the elevator. He pushes the button to the thirty-second floor, one below the penthouse. "This mission could be a little dangerous and unpredictable. I can't risk losing you during this trial."

       He takes my hand in his. "Don't worry. I'll allow you to come to the hideout to see the rest of the troupe before the mission begins. Tomorrow we will go and get you a cell phone so that on days we can't see each other, we can still communicate."

       We walk into the room and he closes the door behind us. Before I even get a chance to look around the room, his arms pull me into a deep and passionate kiss.

       "I don't know about you," I say against his lips. "But I'm ready for a bath and then I want you to hold me while we fall asleep."

       He tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "Such a simple request. How can I deny you, my treasure?"

       With my hand in his, he leads me to the bathroom and begins to draw a tub full of steaming water. The bath is large enough for both of to fit in comfortably. He holds me in his arms and takes to washing my hair as I lather soap over my skin.

       He exits the tub and holds out a large, fluffy towel and wraps it around me.

       "I love you," I say, as I nuzzle into his chest once we get settled into the bed.

       "And I love you."

A/N: I'm so sorry it's been forever since I updated. Life got crazy. I promise that I'm not abandoning this fic. I have the next few chapters loosely planned out and hope to get another update out within the next week. Please don't hate me.

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