Chapter Seven: The First Nightfall

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Nightfall comes quickly. I'm walking alongside Hisoka who has found multiple ways to talk about nothing and everything. I feel a hand wrap around my wrist and look back to see the tall frame of Chrollo.

"I hate to interrupt, but we'll be making camp soon and as I said earlier, once night falls you don't leave my side." The last half of his sentence is directed at Hisoka.

       I smile, thankful for the opportunity to be walking with Chrollo again. I have no problem with any members of the troupe, not even Hisoka surprisingly, although he does make me put my guard up when he's near, but I feel safest with the boss.

       Machi comes up to my other side and leans close to my ear. "If the boss had it his way then you wouldn't leave his side ever."

       Chrollo clears his throat causing her to run back to Paku's side. "I don't know what she said to you, but she likes to exaggerate."

       I'm not so sure he's right about that, I mean he's still holding my wrist. I'm not going to complain. His hands are soft and strong. I guess my only complaint would be that he isn't holding my hand.

"What's on your mind princess?" He smiles down at me.

       Why is my heart beating so fast? Can he feel my pulse? "Uh, nothing really. My feet hurt and I'm pretty tired."

"I was planning us walking for another hour." He stops moving and lowers himself into a squat. "I'll carry you until we make camp."

Part of me wants to protest, but the look he gives me over his shoulder tells me that it's not an option. I put my hand over his shoulders and he laces his arms under my knees. I nuzzle my face into the fur on his coat and soon fall asleep to the rhythm of his footsteps.

~ Time Skip ~

       I wake up when I feel myself being lowered to the ground. Opening my eyes I find Chrollo's arm around my waist, steadying me while I blink back to the world of the awake. Looking around I see that we are in a cave. Shalnark and Nobunaga are starting a small campfire with Nobu's lighter while Uvogin and Phinks are pulling an assortment of food out of the bag they've all been taking turns carrying. Kortopi is in the corner making copies of the one sleeping bag and pillow that we brought and Feitan is setting them up around the soon-to-be fire.

       "Are you hungry?" Uvogin asks me before tossing an apple my way. "Once those two get the fire going I'm gonna cook some steaks." He pulls a ridiculous rig out of the bag that he passes to Shalnark who sets it up over the slowly growing orange and blue flame.

       I bite into my apple and take a seat against one of the cave walls. Chrollo sits next to me.

       "After you were out cold we ran a little bit so we should arrive one day earlier than we planned," his lilting voice matches the smile on his face.

       I nearly choke on my apple. "You guys covered an entire days worth of ground in that time?"

       All he does is chuckle at my astonishment. "I guess there are still things you don't know about us. You'll be able to run like we do one day. I'll see to that."

       "Why?" I gulp. I didn't mean to sound so rude. "Why are you all so nice to me? And why did you save me? Don't get me wrong, I'm incredibly thankful, but I don't get it. From what you all have told me the Phantom Troupe is very selective and driven by selfish desires. You guys don't really go out of your way unless it benefits you all in some way."

"You don't think you benefit me or the troupe?" His tone becomes dark.

"I like to think that I do, but at the same time I know I'm not anything special."

"Oh how wrong you are," Hisoka laughs from the opposite side of the cave.

The other members agree, but no one gives a reason why. I wait for a reason, but no one seems forthcoming with one.

"I think you might be the greatest treasure I've ever found," Chrollo says, smoothing my hair and bringing his face close to mine. "I'll know your true value after this mission. I have high hopes." With that he pulls away.

I need to go for a walk. The air inside the cave is starting to feel stuffy and my heart is racing again. I notice Chrollo stand with me. "I'll be right back. I just need a moment to myself."

~ Chrollo's Point of View ~

Damn it. That was too close. It's my fault for leaning towards her.

"You wanted to kiss her right now, didn't you?" Hisoka walks over and sits next to me. "The sexual tension between the two of you is insufferable. Please don't lose control in the middle of the night. I like my sleep undisturbed.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I say as calmly as I can.

Y/N walks back inside and heads straight to where Feitan is sitting.

Did I upset her?

~ Reader's Point of View ~

I notice Chrollo watching me and Feitan. I really want to talk with him more, but being around him right now makes my stomach twist and my heart speed up. I just can't think clearly around him right now.

"The boss is gonna get angry," Feitan says.

Shalnark sits on my other side. "He did make it pretty clear that you weren't supposed to leave his side when it got dark."

I shrug my shoulders. "He can still see me. It's not like I've disappeared. I just need some time to think before I go back over to him."

"Think about what?" Fei removes his bandana when Uvo hands him a paper plate with a steak on it.

It's no surprise that aside from Machi, I've grown closest to Feitan and Shalnark. "Chrollo, if I'm being honest. I can't get a read on him. He ignored me for weeks while we were training and then today he gave me all new weapons and wants to make sure that I don't leave his side at night. I don't know what just happened back there either."

       "He likes you," Shalnark says as though he were just talking about the weather.

       "What is with you and Machi saying things like that?"

       "It's obvious," the short man chimes in.

       I don't talk through the rest of dinner. Shortly after everyone is done eating we all settle into our sleeping bags. Most of the troupe falls asleep quickly and it seems like I might be the only one still awake.

       "Y/N," Chrollo whispers, making me jump slightly. "Are you still awake?"

       I roll over to face him.

       "Are you mad at me?" There's a slight pain to his voice as he asks this.

       I shake my head. "No. I'm just confused is all, but Feitan and Shalnark helped ease my confusion slightly. I think that feeling will go away once we finish this mission." I smile.

       He reaches out and brushes the back of his hand gently against my cheek. "I can't wait until after this is done." His fingers hook behind my ear and he crashes his lips into mine. The longer his mouth remains on mine the more fervent and passionate the kiss becomes, but before it goes too far he pulls away. "Goodnight, my treasure."

A/N: Sorry this update came so late!! With the holidays and my new dog things have been a bit hectic. I'm hoping to update again this week as things calm down. Also tomorrow I will be updating spacing on all the previous chapters so don't be alarmed if you get notifications for the previous chapters!!

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