Chapter Eleven: True Freedom

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A/N: 🍋If you don't like lemons then stop reading here.

       I wake up to the familiar mesh awning that drapes over my bed. For a moment I panic, thinking that everything I've gone through in the last month was nothing more than a vivid dream. I calm down when I see the familiar purple coat and the man wearing it standing out on my balcony.

       Looking down, I realize that I'm not longer wearing my black outfit but instead I'm in one of my old nightgowns that settles half way down my thigh. I climb out of bed as silently as possible and make my way over the Chrollo.

       Standing on my tiptoes, I snake my arms around his waist and attempt to press my lips to the back of his neck. He turns around and smiles, softly chuckling to himself when he realizes what I was trying to do. In one swift movement, he lifts me up and gently places me on the railing.

       I stick out my bottom lip. "I wanted to surprise you with a sweet kiss but you're too tall." I try to hold my expression but end up laughing at how ridiculous I must have looked.

       He positions himself between my legs and kisses the tip of my nose. "Maybe you're just too short." He moves his lips down to mine and softly massages my inner thigh.

       I gasp and fist the white fur trim of his coat. My insides tumble around and my blood begins to race. In the midst of a moan he pulls back.

       "I need to ask one more time," he growls. "Are you certain you want to stay with me and the Phantom Troupe?"

       "I can say with confidence that I don't want to be anywhere that you're not," my voice is airy and my eyes can't focus between his eyes and his mouth. "Chrollo, I want to be with you. I want to stay with the troupe. I want to be free."

       That answer seems to satisfy him because he crashes his lips into mine with more fervor than ever before. He doesn't wait for permission to taste the inside of my mouth. Our tongues dance and moans escape both of our throats. With one hand firmly pressed where my thighs converge, his other presses against the small of my back. The thin fabric of my underwear allows me to feel every individual finger as he moves them in an indiscernible pattern.

       I slip my hands under coat and force his jacket to fall. He breaks his contact with my body just for a split second as his garment hits the concrete. With one of my hands hooked around his neck, my other takes the moment to explore his torso and the defined muscles I've stared at for so long.

       The moment my other hand is around his neck he lifts me off of my perch and makes his way to the bed where he lays me down. He stands at the foot of the bed as he undoes his belt and removes his shoes and pants.

       My stomach does somersaults as I stare at him standing in only his form fitting boxer shorts. When he crawls into the bed, he once again positions himself between my legs.

       "I promise you that I am not like any other man you've been with before," he breathes. "If at any point you need me to stop I will but just know that I meant what I said earlier. I will both cherish and break you, only if you let me."

       My breath hitches in my throat. For once I'm excited at the prospect of what's about to happen. My heart is pounding and my head is focused on one thing: Chrollo Lucilfer.
       I sit up and pull my gown over my head, exposing the upper half of my body and putting us on equal playing terms clothing wise. "I want you," I breathe before crashing my lips against his.

       The lips between my hips throb and grind against his ever-hardening member. The anticipation sends my insides rolling and my mind turns to static. He lifts my ass off the bed and quickly removes the barriers known as our underwear.

       With my hips still in the air, he pressed the tip against my entrance. I can tell he's contemplating on easing into it or pushing in all at once.

       He decides to slowly enter, teasing me with every centimeter. From the moment his tip was inside me, my body exploded with ecstasy.

       My nails dig into his back and my chin points toward the ceiling as I cry out his name. The moment he's completely inside of me he begins to rock in and out at a slow and steady rhythm.

       My toes curl and my eyes roll into the back of my head. It's all I can do to remember how to breathe as his pace quickens. He lowers his lips down to mine without breaking tempo. I feel his every exhale against my upper lip.

       "I love you," he says, his voice shaky and full of passion. "My treasure."

       He pulls out after I finish three times and he uses his hand to release himself. He walks over to the bathroom and cleans himself up. By the time he returns, I'm under the blankets and patiently waiting for him to join me in bed.

       He wraps his arms around me and I rest my head on his chest. I look up and get lost studying his every feature.

       "I love you, Chrollo," I say, returning his declaration. "My prince."

       He smiles and kisses the top of my head. "I meant it when I said it, I love you princess." A moment of comfortable silence passes between the two of us. "What are you feeling right now?"

       "Truly free." With that my eyes drift shut with the thought of how my life turned out to be like the fairytales I used to read. Sure, those stories didn't involve mass murder or any mention of sex but I found my prince and he rescued me from the evil villains. My own magical fucked up fairytale.

A/N: Soooo this was my first full lemon (feedback is welcome). This chapter was a bit short. I'm super excited because I have some cool thoughts for YorkNew City. I hope you enjoyed. Xoxo Sayori Kaede

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