Chapter 13

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His upper lip twisted in disgust, Taehyung grabs your wrist and walks away, Jimin and Jungkook following from behind, shooting daggers towards him with their glares.

You sit at a vacant seat, next to a brunette girl who smiles softly which you return with a wide grin.

''Hello...are you Y/N?'' she asks, as you tilt your head.

''yeah...and you are...?''

''Jisoo'' she replies, as you nod.

The rest of the lesson, you keep your gaze to the front, although you feel as if someones digging holes into the back of your head. You turn around, and Jacksons smirk greets you. Your eyes then land on Taehyung who's bored expression turns to inquisitive, lazily raising an eyebrow to ask what was up. You shrug, implying it was nothing and he furrows his eyebrows, pointing to the board with his middle finger beckoning that I should pay attention. You then see Jungkook, who sends you a thumbs up and Jimin next to him does the cuckoo sign and points to Jack, making you giggle slightly.

''You guys are close?'' Jisoo asks you out of the blue, as you shrug. What exactly is close?

''To an extent, I guess? They're kinda brothers or something'' you reply. Although the brotherly overprotective part of them had only been revealed today.

''I've never seen them that close with anyone other than must be special'' she nods, as you ponder over her statement. There was more to it, though...

As your first day at school came to an end, you wait by the entrance as instructed by the boys and wait for them without going anywhere. They had to discuss about the fight yesterday to the headmaster, Hitman Bang.

You watch the people leave the school gates, some in groups, some in couples and some alone. It's not long before Jackson's figure appears in your field of vision, and you watch him make his way towards you.

''Jackson'' you breath. ''What happened to you?''

He shrugs, an unreadable expression marring his features. ''I could say the same about you. Why are you with those dumb boys? Can't you tell there's something off about them? They're dangerous, Y/N!''

''Well so are we! Why did you even beat them up yesterday?'' You ask, undeterred.

''You don't understand, Y/N. Just come with me. We've found each other, and that's all that matters, right? Let's escape'' he extends a hand, waiting for you to take hold of it.

You look at it hesitantly, doubts filling the back of your mind. I've been waiting for this day, when we'd reunite, so why am I feeling so reluctant?

His gaze burns onto your face, making you feel slightly uncomfortable. ''By the way Y/ really are a hot human''

Your expression remains a bored one, and he opens his mouth to speak again but the the three boys appear, silencing him.

''Just what do you want with our Y/N, lover boy?'' Jimin clicks his tongue.

Jackson shakes his head and smiles. ''do you truly know... who she is?'' And with that, he waves a hand in the air dismissively and walks away.

Your jaw clenches uncomfortably as you watch his silhouette fade away in the distance.


Jin picks you guys up from school and all the boys stop to eat at a cafe. You had no idea what a cafe was at first and pretended to go along with it until you arrived there.

They briefly explain your encounter with Jackson to the older four who were not present and they listen eagerly.

''What a wasteman'' Yoongi scoffs, sipping his coffee. ''We should've just went with plan A and kill-''

''Violence is not the answer!'' Hoseok interrupts, swiping the pile of oregano with his finger. ''Allow the beef man they already got injured trying to fight''

He rolls his eyes lazily and Hoseok takes that chance to delicately sprinkle it on the unsuspecting Yoongi's drink. He winks at you, as you arch an eyebrow humorously.

''How does this guy look like?'' Jin asks. ''Is he as hot as me? I mean, that's obviouSLY impossible but-''

''yeah we get it hyung and no, he has a hairy mushroom head'' Jungkook answers for him. ''But you've got a bowl head too'' they begin to quarrel among themselves about who has the best head.

Yoongi suddenly spits his drink onto Taehyung next to him. ''Bitch you put something in my drink, didn't you?'' he asks Taehyung, who's mouth hangs open staring at the splashes of coffee on his Gucci shirt.

''You better fucking pay for that'' he growls, standing up abruptly and noticing Hoseok pursing his lips from laughing. ''I think the actual suspect is HIM'' he points an accusing finger. Hoseok laughs, dodging Yoongi's punch as he ducked out of his chair.

Jimin chuckles quietly. ''you guys are so dumb''

Jungkook suddenly looks up as if he'd remembered something. ''Oh, and I forgot to mention before he went, he said some dodgy thing and walked off...''

''yeah...'do you truly know who she is?'. What the hell?'' Jimin exclaims shaking his head. You gulp at the mention of these words, hoping they'd forgotten, but it seemed that's what caught their attention the most.

Namjoons eyes widen slightly. ''Maybe...this Jack guy knows Y/N? I mean you did lose your memories didn't you? What if you know him too?'' he asks you directly. Taehyung eyes you carefully.

You shake your head. ''I don't remember him though...'' you lie. Beads of sweat began forming at the palm of your hand, and you rubbed them on your sweater nervously. You felt bad for lying about who you were and what you did, but you just couldn't bring yourself to tell them. thought. I have to tell them the truth. I'm just not prepared right now..

They nod in response, and everyone turns quiet as an uncomfortable silence lingers in the ambience. Jin suddenly clears his throat, beckoning everyones attention.

''It's okay, Y/N. We...'' his plump lips form a cheeky grin. '' you a latte '' he bursts into uncontrollable laughter, pointing to his cup. ''get it?''

Your mouth stretches into a wide smile, and you laugh softly. ''Me too. I can't espresso my love for you'' You say in response, as they all chuckle softly. It was a nice sound, low deep laughs resonating around the table. It made you blush slightly for some reason.

''Welcome to the family, Y/N'' they smile at you, as you feel something heavy tug at your heart. hadn't heard that word in a long time.

''Yeah'' you smile back softly, disregarding the suffocating sensation you felt at the back of your throat.

A/N: What do you think of Jackson so far?

           Is Jisoo givin you good or bad vibes?

           Do you like Hoseoks wiggly hips?



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