Chapter 39

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Your POV

After Jackson had finished feeding you, you decided to switch the conversation to more pressing matters.

''So what was up with you and Jisoo?''

His face tenses as soon as you ask, and he faces you fully serious.

''At first, she just wanted blood, so I let her since that was part of the deal and all...'' he begins, scratching his nape. ''But then she started getting more touchy, trying to kiss me and shit...''

You roll your eyes. ''Isn't she satisfied with Taehyung?''

He shrugs, and you both remain silent, breathing quietly in the air.


''How long until they actually find a cure?'' you ask Jungkook, who leads you inside their home. Darkness had swallowed the woods, making the light exuding out of their house the only source of illumination. Even the moon had retreated tonight, playing peek-a-boo with the clouds.

''I'm not sure...'' he responds, his bottom lip pursed. Jackson enters inside behind you, standing awkwardly near the staircase. The stairs slightly creak as you climb them, and you find your heart thumping louder as you neared his room.

As you near his room, his head peeks out before you enter, startling you. ''hi'' he grins.

You swallow thickly as you step into his room, the tension escalating a level higher. He closes the door behind you, taking slow steps towards you.

Why the hell did he close the door-

''Um, can you just hurry up and drink?'' your voice pipes out.

He steps closer towards you, his muffled messy hair shifting. ''...sure'' he breathes, his warm breath fanning your neck.

''N-not the wrist today?''

His arms wrap around your body, his lips reaching towards the hem of your neck. His tongue languidly slips out, coming into contact with your skin a split second before his lips do, planting soft kisses along your collarbone.

Your breathing hitches, and you feel your mind swimming, drowning in inexorable ecstasy. ''Taehyung-''

''hmm?'' he responds, the softness of his lips making your skin almost melt.

''Stop, Jackson will see-''

''Let him'' the words flow out his mouth like silk, the crisp and tenderness of his voice making your body shiver.

After leaving one last kiss, you feel a burning sensation and a warm trickily substance on your skin. He licks your skin clean using long leisurely drags of his tongue, his arms holding onto you tighter.

He was hugging you while biting you.

''Stop...this isn't right'' you mutter, as he leans his head against the crook of your neck. ''let go''

''don't wanna'' he responds, voice muffled against your shoulder.

Heat rises in your cheeks, your heart swirling in bewildering tornadoes. The feeling of being this close to him is heavy and drug like, his familiar scent misting through you.

''thank you for giving me blood even after I was such an ass...'' his voice speaks up again, and his haunting eyes look up once again. Your noses are almost touching, and you can feel his firm arms around your body.

Your eyes trail down to his lips, and you gulp. Shit, this is wrong...

''Why are you suddenly acting like this?'' you ask him, your skin tickling as his slender fingers tap against them. His mouth tilts into a smirk, and he leans closer towards your ears to whisper-

''...because I like you''

His cheeks become a light shade of pink as soon as the words leave his mouth, and he suddenly lets you go, looking elsewhere. ''I-I mean, only a bit...'' he ruffles his hair, trying to keep his cool demeanor.

Your mouth hangs open, and you find yourself unable to form any coherent sentences.

''It's too late'' you finally let out. ''I'm with Jackson''

His expression darkens when he hears that name. ''I don't care. I'll make you like me''

You gulp, surprised at his bluntness. ''And how will you do that?''

''You'll see'' His lips twitch into a deadly smirk. ''After all...I'm a boy with luv''


Closing the door behind you, you exit Bangtan territory and trod through the woods, darkness clouding your vision.

The icy ambience of the air failed to cool you down, your heart and cheeks flaming at the thought of Taehyung's confession.

because I like you my ass

How dare he have the audacity to say something like that when he knows I have a boyfriend?

Jackson peers over at you. ''Y/N? You look a bit lost''

''I'm fine'' you say through gritted teeth.

The silky remnants of his words resonate through your mind.

I'll make you like me...

bitch I'd like to see you try-


it was fun getting to know you guys last chapter :)

Anything you'd like to ask me? I'm an open book ;)

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