Chapter 43

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You all awake the next morning after you had stayed over at TXT institute, ready to take off.

''Take these pills every night, and you won't need blood'' they hand Taehyung and Jisoo a bottle of pills each. ''If you run out, come to us. We have more in store but these should last you for a few months''

''Or you could take some straight from the source'' Kai glances at you jokingly.

''I'll miss drinking from Jackson'' Jisoo links her arms with his as he stiffens.

''Yeah, thanks'' Taehyung shoves the bottle into his hoodie pocket, and extends his hands to fistbump. ''Come visit us sometimes, yeah?''

After bidding farewells, you left the building. A cool breeze swept over you as soon as you stepped out, steady droplets of rain scattering over you. The sound was calming, a soothing melody, a natural lullaby.

Your eyes rest upon the fallen leaves as you walk past them, upon them sit a hundred beads of water, each as perfect as a sphere, glistening in the morning rays.

And Namjoon starts the breaks, driving you back to your hometown.


In School

''I'm totally slacked'' Jungkook yawns, eyes squinting in tiredness.

The three boys slouch on their chairs lazily, forced to attend classes by their hyungs.

Taehyung dozes off in boredom, but he finds his gaze trailing towards your form. A spark of light ignites in his orbs.

''Dude, just ask her out already'' Jimin beside him speaks up, noticing his heated gaze.

''How?'' he responds, chewing his bottom lip in thought.

''Ask her to go on a date with you'' Jungkook suggests, half asleep.

''A date, huh...''


You get up as soon as the bell rings, shuffling around the chairs to reach the door. But you stop when you see Taehyung casually waiting for you, leaning against the door frame arms crossed.

Gulping, you near him and his captivating eyes look up, luring you closer. ''hey'' he subtly greets in a deep voice.

''yo'' you respond, your mouth forming an O. ''How can I help you?''

''Drop the formalities'' he scoffs, grabbing your wrist. He continues walking until you reach the end of an isolated hallway.

''So,'' he begins, prolonging the single word. ''Wanna go on a date?'' he casually asks.

He bites his lip expectantly, hopeful eyes burning and bringing warmth to your cheeks.

''A-Already? I can't, I just broke u-''

His grip on your wrist tightens slightly, your bodies almost touching. His nose grazes your head, lips reaching forward to peck your hair.

''I didn't ask if you can or cannot'' he states in a deadly but calm tone. ''Do you want to?''

You gulp nervously. ''Maybe, maybe not''

''Dammit, just say yes'' he sighs, lifting your chin up so his eyes meet yours.

A little smile forces it's way onto your lips. ''No''

''Great, meet me at my house at 6pm and we'll go from there'' And then ruffling your hair, he walks off.


You enter the apartment alone after school, noticing Jisoo and Jackson already here.

Your eyes hover at their forms dubiously, although it didn't seem like they were doing anything naughty. Jisoo was flopped onto the bed, scrolling through her phone while Jackson was eating something on the couch.

''I'm moving back here'' Jisoo pops, catching your unwavering gaze. You nod and make no attempt to respond. It was her apartment after all.

''Why change your mind?'' you ask after a while, and she tilts her head.

''I've given up on Taehyung'' she sighs, picking at her nails. ''So I've moved on to Jackson!''

She looks up at you, biting her lip hesitantly. ''Also...I'm sorry for cockblocking. I won't interfere anymore. So... can we be mutual?''

You remain silent. You still did feel slight resent towards her for the shit she did, but you decide to give her a chance. ''Okay''

Jackson watches you both, a smile of satisfaction painted onto his lips. ''Looks like Jisoo took my advice'' he says to himself, eyeing her.

You watch Jisoo and Jackson exchange heated gazes, reciprocating soft smiles. Maybe they'll be good for each other...

The thought of the upcoming date nags at the back of your mind, and you glance at the clock. 5PM.

I've never been to an actual date...what the hell do I wear?

Jisoo arches an eyebrow inquisitively, observing your turmoiled state of mind.

''I've got a date'' you finally sigh, and her questioning glance morphs into a surprised one.

''Well, I've got the perfect clothes for you'' she grins.



You lean against a tree, your eyes gazing at the door in hope he would submerge out of it any time soon.

This is weird...

You shiver slightly as the cold breeze bites onto your skin, hugging yourself to radiate warmth. I should've worn something more think to yourself, examining your shoulder cut outfit.

The door finally opens, and Taehyung stumbles out, almost tripping when he sees you. ''Oh, you came''

''No shit, sherlock'' you mumble, slightly uncomfortable as you flounder in his intense gaze. His eyes scan over your attire, eyes widening when he sees the large amount of exposed skin.

He quickly looks away, gulping. ''Are you trying to seduce me?''

Your ears go red as you shake your head hastily. ''What? Why would I-''

He sighs, flinging off his jacket smoothly with a roll of his shoulders. ''Wear it'' he orders, throwing it at you.

You catch it, face falling slightly. ''Do you not like my outfit?''

His alluring dark eyes capture yours once again, ''I love it'' he smiles. ''I just don't want to get tempted... to bite you'' he bares his fangs into a sexy grin as his eyes flicker towards your exposed shoulders.

You gulp thickly, heart hammering in your chest as you nod. ''Okay''.

Draping his jacket over your shoulders, you sniffed into his familiar scent which bought you a satisfying sense of comfort.

He ruffles your hair, something he seemed to do often these days, and leans in to whisper ''Let's go then, shall we?''

A/N: ahem. quick question. would you like some smexy time ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

👍 fuk yes

👎 nah im too innocent

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