Chapter 42

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A/N: some of you didn't get the notif for the last chapter cuz of wattshits glitch, so check it out if you haven't 💜

The door creaks open, and the occupant of the shadow slowly steps inside, another figure emerging with it.

''You see, Jackson?'' the feminine voice pops, shaking her head. ''Y/N is cheating on you!''

Jackson's face is devoid of surprisement, and he simply shrugs. ''Well, we did just break up''

Jisoo's mouth hangs open in an attempt to formulate a response, but she fails and ends up looking around in disbelief. ''...broke up?''

You hear Taehyung behind you let out a scoff. ''You heard him''

''Oh I thought-you, I-'' she stumbles on her own words, running out the door in embarrassment after realizing she had made a fool of herself. Jackson sighs and follows after her before sparing you an apologetic glance.

''You better treat her right'' he says to Taehyung before leaving.

After a moment of silence, Taehyung responds quietly. ''I will''


You, Jackson, Jisoo and the other seven boys had assembled downstairs, ready to go pay TXT a visit.

An awkward silence lingered in the air, it was not always all of you had grouped together like this. You all exit the house, walking towards the van in an orderly manner.

The trees shut out the moonlight, clouding the area with darkness. You step into the van first, and Taehyung quickly follows after you so he could sit next to you. ''Can I have the window seat?'' he asks, eyes glinting in the darkness.

''Nope'' you reply grinning. Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok follow after Taehyung, making the middle row seats extremely tight and stuffy. Jackson and Jisoo cram into the backseats with Yoongi, much to his distaste. And Namjoon drives while Jin takes the front seat.

''Everyone ready?'' Namjoon calls out from the front, scanning the back from the rear mirror.

''Yeah, drive'' Jimin responds, squashed in between everyone.

The car begins, and it was one hella of a bumpy ride.

You try to edge as further away from Taehyung as possible, squishing yourself against the window seat. One of your thighs are placed on his leg, and he stiffens.

''move up'' you hiss quietly, as he flinches.

''there's no space'' he whispers back, recoiling as much as possible. The car hits a bump and you slightly jump, squirming back to place.

His breathing suddenly quickens, and he grabs your thigh. ''stop moving so much''

''Okay'' you say, moving even more. His arms snake around your waist from behind, holding you into place.

''move again, I'll tickle you'' he dangerously declares, his fingers tapping against the side of your stomach. You gulp, and nod in compliance.

You remain stiff for what about seemed forever, until you feel a weight plop onto your shoulders.

Taehyung had fallen asleep on your shoulder.

''Are we almost there?'' you ask, your voice sounding squeakier than it was meant to. He still had his arms around your waist from behind, and to make matters worse, his other arm comes forward to wrap around your stomach so he practically snuggles against you.

Am I a fucking pillow?

''Nearly there'' Jin responds. You see Jimin beside him look up and slightly smirk, but it's momentary as he refocuses his gaze back to his phone.

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