Chapter 27

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His eyelids lower heavily over black eyes. ''I want...her blood'' he growls deeply, licking his lips. 

''We should get him a sedative'' Jin states urgently, as Taehyung tries to steady his breathing.

They turn around and head back, scampering through the slender trees which loomed high above. The silvery light reflected by the half moon was slowed to a trickle by the full branches, and Taehyung had to squint, only to see a path of gloom and uncertainty ahead.

Why did I drink her blood if I knew it would result in this...?


Meanwhile, Y/N and Jackson were up to some training.

Training for what you ask?

''Okay, how the fuck does this work?'' Jackson asks, sitting crossed legged on the floor across Y/N.

''You basically-''

''OH FUCK'' he backs away, as your bones twist and turn like snakes, dark hairs sprouting out your skin. He watches with a hand across his eyes, grimacing slightly. 

''Okay, my turn. How did you do it again?'' he asks tentatively, bracing himself.

You had mastered the arts of turning when you willed, and you were loving it. Jackson on the other hand, had watched you turn about three times now, and was still having trouble. The fur which had appeared on your skin disappear as fast as it had appeared, and you now stand looming over him in human form.

''Okay, first of all breath. Close your eyes'' you say calmly. ''What do you see?''

''Nothing!'' he responds, opening his eyes. ''But damn, aren't you gonna get dressed?'' he wriggles his eyebrows at your clothless form. You slap his face away and wear a shirt.

''Listen, when you close your eyes, concentrate. Remember everything you did as a wolf. Imagine the trees, the smell of damp wood, the taste of deer against your teeth...''

You see him close his eyes and inhale deeply, but it wasn't long before his serene expression contorts into a scowl of annoyance. ''It's not working!'' he moans, as you let out a long sigh.

''What's not working~'' a voice hums outside the door. Jisoo walks in, hips swaying in her overly tight dress.

''your brain'' you scoff lightly.

''As you can see, I've come to get my daily dose'' she pops, tying her hair into a ponytail. ''Y/N, out please''

''Excuse me?'' you remark, eyebrows quirked. ''Whatever you're gonna do, I'm gonna watch''

She rolls her eyes so far up you thought they were going to pop out. She braces herself against him and opens her mouth wide, not taking one bite, but three across his arm. After moaning like a horny bitch, you decide to look away after all.

''We could've had more fun if she wasn't watching'' she mutters, tracing her fingers along his stomach.

''I-I'm good'' he lets out, exhausted after the blood drain. She finally lets go and licks her lips clean, ruffling his hair. ''I'll be back tomorrow'' she winks, walking out the door.

''How long are you going to let her do that to you?'' you ask, grimacing at the swollen bite marks on his arm. He shrugs, looking down sadly. Putting an arm round him, you pull him in for a hug.


In School

''Settle down, everyone'' the teacher called, typing away on her keyboard.

Your eyes flicker around the room in search for Taehyung, but it seemed they had not arrived yet. Clutching his coat tightly, you sigh and take a seat.

He'd want his gucci coat back after's probably worth more than your life.

''oh...they're here'' Jackson whispers beside you. But to your surprise, they walked in looking rather gloomy, contrasting to their usual exuberant personas.

''Let's bunk the lessons after this'' Jungkook mumbles, yawning.

''hey, I think the sedative is wearing off...'' Jimin nudges Jungkook, as they watch Taehyung's drowsy form.

''I'm fine'' he responds, wiping the slight beads of sweat which had formed on his forehead. ''I'm''

''You fucking narcissist'' Jungkook grins, but the worried expression seeps back into his features. ''you look like you're on drugs''

He had taken a sedative to numb the feeling of bloodlust, but the effect of not drinking was still visible. His eyes were droopy and hooded, and his skin had gone as pale as suga. The dark circles clearly apparent under his eyes gave him a gothic vibe, only to be topped of with messy muffled bangs which almost obscured the feral desire gleaming in his eyes.

''I should've got another sedative with me'' he mutters, flicking the bangs out of his eyes. As he rests his head against the table, his gaze scans the room until he finds your figure and watches you silently.

''Really?'' he hears you say, as Jackson leans in to whisper something into your ear. He then takes that chance to peck your ear and put an arm round your shoulder.

Taehyung rolls his eyes and looks away, burying his face into his arms.

Your POV

''Hey, Taehyung's staring at us for some reason'' Jackson whispers.

''Really?'' you ask, startled. He beckons you to come closer so he can whisper something into your ear. Complying, you lean in, only to be pecked with a kiss on your hair.

''bruh'' you respond, ''Did you do that because he was watching?''

He grins, shrugging. ''Maybe''

You tilt your head to the side to get a better view of Taehyung's form, and you see him leaning his head against the table. But you almost lose your breath when he sits up again and your eyes interlock for a split second, him being the first to look away.

Is it just me or does he look really tired...?

You sigh deeply and look to the front, waiting patiently for the lesson to end.


The bell finally rang.

''I'll call Jin to pick us up, you're clearly not well'' Jimin says to the unresponsive Taehyung, who was still leaning against the table clutching his stomach.

''We'll get some food and pop right back'' Jungkook adds, and they leave the room.

You were outside, still clutching his gucci coat. I might as well give it to him and get it over with..

''I'll be right back'' you tell Jackson as he nods, munching on his burger.

Searching the entire playgrounds and cafeteria, you come to the conclusion he may still be in the classroom. After running all the way to the second floor, you pause near the door and catch your breath. His face was still buried into his arms.

Silently creeping inside the empty classroom, you see him flinch, as if he was aware of your presence.

When you are a few centimeters away from him, you call out his name softly. ''Taehyung? I wanted to return your coat-''

But you're at a loss of words when he looks up, squinting at you with hardened eyes. Every muscle on his face was tense, and his jaw was clenching uncomfortably.

The unmoving gaze was accompanied with deliberate slow breathing, like he was fighting something back and losing.

''Get...away from me..'' his long, dark eyelashes flutter as he lowers his gaze, turning away from you.

A/N: Let's have a conversation in the comments! Ask or say something and I'll's fun reading your comments dhjsjakjahjd

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