Chapter 44

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''How much longer until we get there?'' you ask, chin leaned on your palm as you gazed out the window.

''A few more minutes'' he responds, hands gripping the steering wheel as he casually leans back.

The trees are blurred into lines of brown and green mush as the car speeds by, the sky turning a matt dark blue as nightfall nears. Where the hell is he taking me?

''Where are we going...?''

''A surprise'' he mutters softly.

Your eyes light up at it's mention, and you unintentionally end up staring at his face from the rear mirror. ''Really? How thoughtful of you...''

His eyes glance at the mirror too, locking with your excited ones. ''T-Thanks'' he quickly looks away, head ducking down as a blush spreads across his face.


The car finally stops with a halt, stopping at an area with a large expanse of land. You exit the car, eyes widening as you examine the mansion with awe.

Is he secretly some millionaire?

The ostentatiously grand building stood proudly behind metallic iron gates, and in its threshold stood the delicate marble fountain, the soft gurgling of the clear water melodic as it resonated in the surrounding silence.

''We're gonna have the date here? What is this place?'' you finally let out.

He clicks his fingers and the gates slowly open, as if welcoming it's master. ''This my childhood'' he smiles, but there is a sadness to it.

You follow him through, the silver moonlight spilling onto the path, guiding you. It had gotten dark, but the night was cloudless and freckled with stars.

''I don't have many great memories here...'' he continues, his voice a soft mumble. ''So I want to re-create them with you''

At that moment, you felt a string tug at your heart, your stomach becoming all bubbly and warm. You grab onto his hand for reassurance. ''Okay. I'm here for you''

He smiles, the large wooden door opening as he led you inside. You are welcomed by an already prepared table lit with candle lights, which flicker in a brilliant arc of gold in the darkness. ''Jimin and Jungkook help me set this up'' he says, watching your bewildered expression.

You turn to face him, the yellow glow of the candlelight accenting his features to make him look more ethereal than he already was. The whole ambience seemed to radiate dark and mysterious vibes, very vampire like.

''uh, so do we eat now?'' you blurt, eyeing the various desserts displayed on the table. He chuckles deeply. ''Go ahead''

You pick up the fork and cut into the fresh cream cake, popping it into your mouth. Chewing slowly, you gulp. ''By the way...I just want to say, sorry for everything'' you put the fork down and look at him directly. ''For lying to you, about... you know''

He leans his chin on the upturned palms of his hands, warm eyes radiating heat from the dim lights. ''Never mind about that. I was an ass too so...'' he licks his lips, ''So we're good''

You let out a sigh of relief, and continue to savour your dessert. When you notice he doesn't eat with you, you glance up awkwardly. ''Aren't you going to eat...?''

''Why choose to eat this...'' he pokes the food at the table, ''When there's a whole snack in front of me?'' his hooded eyes which seemed to glow like an ember meet your flustered ones.

You clear your throat, straightening your posture. ''Well eat something. It's awkward eating alone'' you speak, trying to sound as composed as possible while you sipped your drink.

''I wanna eat you'' he grins lazily, and you choke on your drink.

''Can you not?'' you splutter, coughing.

''Okay okay'' he laughs, popping some chocolates into his mouth. You watch his cheeks chew his food slowly, eyes staring vacantly at nothing as his mind drifted elsewhere.

''...So you grew up here? Why did you move out? It's beautiful'' you look around at the opulent furniture which seemed costly indeed. His eyes snap back to reality.

''Huh? Oh, um, I lived with my parents here. But they were assassinated one night...'' the pain is almost palpable on his face, and he swallows thickly before continuing, ''I was lost and alone for a while. Before Bangtan found me and took me in. We're all a bunch of lost vampires I suppose'' he finishes briefly, poking at his food with a fork.

You nod, not finding it necessary to respond. You both sat in a comfortable silence for a few moments, until you glanced at your watch.

'''s gotten late. When are we gonna head home?''

He tilts his head. ''Home? We're spending the night here''

Your breath is sucked into an inaudible gasp, eyes widened as a blush creeps up your face. ''W-What? Who said?''

''Me'' he smiles cutely, ''I'll turn your just one day  to just one night''

You bury your head into your hands, mind panicking as naughty thoughts danced through your mind.

holy shit-

He watches you with soft amused eyes, mouth tilted into a half grin. ''I was kidding'' he laughs, as your panicked expression morphs into a calmed one.

''We are spending the night...but we won't..'' he licks his lips, suddenly a bit nervous. ''...mate. Unless you want to''

Your panicked expression seeps back into your features, but you compose yourself and sit up straight. His previous words flow through your mind, and you bite your lip in thought.

He's always making the moves first...

Maybe it's time I stepped up.

''Well,'' you lean back on your chair casually, crossing your legs as a smirk danced on your lips. ''I wouldn't mind. Let's fuck?''

It was his turn to choke.


According to the votes from last chapter, I have concluded ya'll are...

thirstae asf ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

But dw, I am still innocent *coughs* so it won't be diRtY dirty


next chapter is the last :(

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