Chapter 41

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Now that you and Jackson had set things straight, you felt more at ease for releasing your bottled up feelings.

No more pretending.

Nightfall bestowed itself later that day, your lonesome figure walloping past the trees. Jackson stayed back, as he didn't feel the need for tagging along with you everywhere like he used to.

''hey'' Hoseok nods, beckoning you inside. His eyes flickering to the empty space beside you, he tilts his head. ''Jackson didn't come?''

You shake your head. ''Not today''

His eyes muse in thought. ''That's a shame...we need him tonight. Could you give him a call or something?''

Stepping inside their home, you follow Hoseok to their living room still confused.

Why would they need Jackson?

You texted him anyway, informing him that they needed him for something. He responded seconds later, mentioning he was on his way.

''He said he's coming'' you announce, and they all nod in relief. You notice Jisoo slumped in the corner of the couch, her expression portraying distaste and annoyance.

Your gaze flickers towards Taehyung, who leans against the wall arms crossed in a composed manner. When he catches your gaze, he licks his lips and smiles. Your tear your gaze away, heat rising to your cheeks.

''Good news...'' Jin speaks up, clapping his hands. ''TXT have found the cure for Taehyung and Jisoo's blood addiction...but there's something yet to complete it''

''TXT?'' you mutter thoughtfully, and Yoongi beside you answers your question. ''They're like vampire doctors''

You nod your head in understanding. ''So what do they need to complete it?''

''Your and Jackson's blood''

''ah...'' your mind connects the dots, everything slowly making sense.

They need my blood for Taehyung's addiction and Jackson's blood for Jisoo's...

''Drink up, boys!'' Namjoon declares, standing on his feet. ''We're paying TXT a visit''

You hear Yoongi beside you getting up to leave, but he suddenly perks his head so he catches your gaze. ''Say...don't werewolves have periods? Why not use that?''

You hear a few snorts, curious eyes watching you intently. ''We don't have periods. Evolving in the full moon is basically my monthly cycle'' you explain, as they listen to you in great interest.

''Imagine they did though, you'd have to lick the-'' Jungkook elbows Jimin before he could finish his sentence, eliciting an embarrassed blush onto your face.

''ew!'' Jisoo exclaims, cringing. ''that is actually so gross''


The boys leave the room to get their nights of deer blood supply, and Jisoo sits up on the couch, her feet tapping impatiently. ''Jackson is coming right?'' she asks you hastily, and you nod.

Taehyung walks towards the door, tilting his head so he sideway glances at you. ''come'' he says, his voice dropping an octave.

You oblige, following him out the door and climbing up the stairs as they creaked. His fingers wrap around the door knob, opening the familiar room you were used to visiting every night.

''Why did you leave Jackson behind today?'' he suddenly asks, slumping himself onto the bed.

You shift around awkwardly, not knowing where to sit in the vast room. ''Just...he didn't feel the need to follow me around anymore'' you answer, finally settling yourself on a chair perched on the side of the room.

''anymore...?'' he mutters thoughtfully.

''I broke up with him'' you sigh, your feet recoiling against the plush carpeted floor.

His eyes widen, lips parted slightly as his tongue slips out to lick them, pursing straight after.

''That's, um...sad'' he finally comments, an imperceptible smile tugging at his lips.

That's fucking great....he thought to himself, trying to hide the wide grin which seeped into his features with a pillow.

His stomach suddenly growls loudly, demanding for blood. He looks up startled by the noise, heat rising to his cheeks. ''sorry...''

You smile softly, finding that kinda cute. ''Drink's probably the last time'' you walk towards him, extending your wrist. He sits up and stands to his feet, a wistful look clouding his sparkling orbs.

Edging closer towards you, his hands unexpectedly drift to your hips, pulling you closer. You were against his cold chest, chiseled to perfection. His body is cold, like always, your body warmth radiating through him.

You splay your hand against him, intending to push him away, but instead you just left it there. His eyes darken in savage hunger as your scent floods through him, your skin glowing in the dim lights.

But he held himself back, not biting just yet, and refocused his gaze so they mirrored yours. '' you like me yet?'' his voice whispered, deep and silky.

Do I? I don't even know anymore...

''no'' you respond adamantly, your words juxtaposing your emotions.

''dammit'' his lips brush against yours, fiery and demanding. ''why are you so stubborn?''

You feel your breath hitch as his tongue slips out to languidly glide across your lip, ravenous heat racing through his system. ''I'm not stubborn'' you say, your hot and bothered mind muddled.

His gaze travels down to your lips, irises widening at the mouths proximity. ''I'll give you a kiss'' he breathes. ''If you don't like it, return it''

You open your mouth in an attempt to retaliate, but he cuts you off before you finish. ''wai-''

His lips are soft against yours, gentle and slow as they moulded into yours perfectly. Your remain clueless at whether you should reciprocate or pull away, so you find yourself frozen at the spot.

Isn't this way too quick? I just broke up with Jackson...

When he notices you're a bit reluctant, he pulls away. ''It's okay if you don't want to''

You look away, your mind delirious and incapable of forming coherent sentences. His eyelashes flutter closed as he lowers down towards your neck and bites into your flesh, but this time you don't even feel pain.

The pain is nullified by the pleasure.

He finally pulls away, and you don't realise the comfort his body provided when he was so close. He ruffles his hair, making it hotter than it already looked, and spares you a nervous glance.

''I'm sorry-''

''It's okay'' you cut him off. ''I didn't mind the kiss, it's just....''

You pause when you spot a shadow looming outside the room, an eye peeking through the tiny slit of the closed door. ''wait, who the hell is-?!''

A/N: namjin InVeNtEd dAncE

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