Chapter 37

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Later that night

''I'm fine'' Taehyung raises his heavy lids and rolls his eyes, as Jin continues to nag.

''Why are you making yourself suffer? Y/N has agreed to give you blood, so take it!''

They were all worried, but Taehyung had already set his obstinate mindset; he was not going to drink from her.

And even though he said that, deep inside, he had an hopeful anticipation she was going to appear. He thought, maybe deep inside she still cared for him...

But to his dismay, his short lived hope was shattered when she did not indeed show up that night, leaving his feral thirst unquenched.


Next Day in School

You doze off into the distance in boredom, wary of the teacher who watched over you vigilantly.

After you had sneaked out yesterday, the school kept extra tabs on you both, making the isolation you already despised worse.

Sighing, you glance at the empty seat behind you, desolate of it's occupants.

Taehyung's not here today, huh...

Neither was Jisoo, and you could already guess the reason why.

You'd be lying if you said you hadn't wondered where they were, or how Taehyung was holding up.

But then again...he did say he found a cure.

You rub your temples in distress, as if it would banish all your thoughts and doubts.

Maybe I'll go check up on them tonight...

''Y/N?'' Jackson's voice calls you, breaking you from your reverie.

You tilt your head in response. ''hm?''

''It's the full moon tonight...we need to prepare''


Not today then...

After what seemed like forever, the tedious day finally ended.


The moon illuminated the tenebrous, matt sky as if the stars ensconced themselves behind the dim, grey clouds. The moon rays were slowed down to a trickle by the thickly branched leaves, which spiked into the sky ominously.

You let out a long howl, rampaging through the woods and venting out everything inside of you.

You hunted down deers, devoured them ravenously and finally when the night came to an end, you transformed back to your human form.

''How do you feel?'' you ask Jackson, who's eyes seemed to glow like an ember in the dark.

''Wild and free'' he breathes, gazing up at the luminous moon.


A bit further into the forest, Taehyung was not in his best condition.

It was day two without blood, and although he tried his best to control it, he found himself getting weaker by the hour.

Leaning against a tree, he gazes up at the sky, his pale skin shimmering in the moonlight and his dark eyes matching the night sky above perfectly.

Footsteps near him, incessantly tapping away until they stop, and it flops down beside him.

''You're not looking too good'' Jin speaks up beside him, tracing his fingers along the tree. ''are you...oaky?'' he grins, chuckling at his own joke.

Taehyung lets out a little giggle, but it's momentary, as the pained expression seeps back into his features. His stomach growls, and he gets up to go back inside the house.

Trodding against the crumpled leaves, Jin gets up and follows him inside. ''hey, don't leaf me!''

But as he walks towards the door, he suddenly collapses, falling onto the ground with a thud.


''Tae? V? Hello?!'' Jungkook shakes him, but he remains still. He was carried back to his room after he had collapsed, now surrounded by all the members.

''Please wake up'' Jisoo has a hand over her mouth, tears streaming down her face.

''yo don't tell me he died-'' Hoseok slaps Yoongi, making him fall quiet.

A deadly silence suffocated the air like a heavy fog, as everyone stared down at his corpse like figure on the bed.

''Someone find Y/N'' Namjoon orders, his voice penetrating through the air like a knife.

''But it's the full moon...'' Jimin mutters, raking a hand through his hair in distress. 

They ended up dialing TXT, who picked up in an instant. ''Health and Safety Institute of vampires, TXT at your service. How can we help you?'' Yeonjun's voice spoke out on the phone.

After explaining the situation, all they could suggest was to find Y/N as soon as possible and feed him.

''We have almost figured out a cure...but it is not yet complete. You MUST find this asscrack Y/ dare she let my bro suffer?!'' Beomgyu exclaims, clearing his throat and returning to his professional tone. ''He has a day would be recommended he is given her blood as soon as possible''


Your POV

The sun had risen, shining brightly through the apartment window. You sit up on your bed, looking around through squinted eyes.

You see Jackson dozing off on the couch, his mouth parted as he snored.

You take a shower and refresh yourself, and just when you finish changing into a new set of clothes, a loud knock bangs on your door.

You open the door, and the desperate faces of Jimin and Jungkook stare at you pleadingly. ''It's Taehyung...''

Before leaving with them, you write the sleeping Jackson a note.

Gone with Jimin and Jungkook...Taehyung's in bad condition. Meet me there

You were then taken to their house in an instant, and you found your heart beating rapidly as you climbed up the stairs and into his room. The members nod at you as a sign of gratitude for appearing, leaving the room. Jisoo gives you a look, and leaves too.

Now, it was just you and him.

You scoot towards his bed, gazing down at his lifeless pale body. You run a hand through his thick hair, the softness making your fingers tingle.

''warm...'' he mutters, and you quickly recoil your hand. What the hell am I doing...

Rolling up your sleeve, you bring your wrist near his mouth, attaching it to his lips. His mouth slowly opens, his fangs protruding and digging into your skin.

When he finishes drinking, his eyes slowly open, locking with yours. An odd expression clouded his usual look of disinterest.

You stand up, preparing to leave. ''You're okay now...I guess I'll be going...'' you mutter, but you stop when his hand grabs your wrist.

''um...'' he licks his lips, his doe eyes staring intently. ''...stay a little lon-''

''Y/N!'' A voice suddenly shouts, and you look back, only to see Jackson at the door, out of breath.

''Jackson?'' you exclaim. ''You came all the way here?''

You feel Taehyung's grip on your wrist loosen, and his hand falls back onto the bed. You look back at him. '' were saying?''

He looks away. ''...nothing''

A/N: i love you

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