Chapter 38

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The next day

Jackson told you he 'was going to sort something out' so here you were, walking through the school hallways alone. For some reason, you found yourself feeling rather light headed.

Maybe it was because of the blood drain...Taehyung did drink quite a lot yesterday.

Talking about Taehyung....somethings off about him. He's been acting kinda weird...

Why did he lie about finding a cure?

Too lost in your thoughts, you failed to see the figure walking across you. ''hey-watch where you're going'' the deep voice speaks, as you stumble and fall back.


You rub your eyes and stand up, slightly wobbly. Taehyung's lovely face greets you. ''Sorry...'' you mutter, your voice trailing off as he stares at you.

His doe eyes pierce through yours for a few seconds, and then he suddenly smiles. ''It's okay!'' and then he ruffles your hair, walking off.

You blink.

What's gotten into him?!


You walk into the isolation room, trying to look as nonchalant as possible. Your gaze takes a quick scan of the room, and to your dismay, Jackson and Jisoo seemed to be absent for the time being.

Don't tell me his business was with Jisoo?

Taehyung catches your gaze, his eyebrows raised slightly. ''If you're looking for Romeo, he's not here''

''thanks for stating the obvious'' you slump yourself onto a chair, leaning your chin on the upturned palms of your hand.

The silence was deafening.

Although you couldn't see him, you felt his gaze burn holes at the back of your head.

''say...'' his raspy voice speaks up. '' you still hate me?''

The sudden question renders you speechless, and it takes you a few moments to process what he had asked. You turn around on your chair, so you face him across the room.

''...nope'' you answer honestly.

His nonchalant expression faltered, his eyes widened and hopeful.

'' you hate me?'' you ask in return, pursing your lips.

His mouth stretches into a grin. ''I-

''SORRY WE'RE LATE!'' Jisoo screams through the door, panting. She raises a hand and waves at Taehyung, her midnight hair swaying back and forth.

Taehyung closes his mouth in a tight smile, his jaw clenching. Jackson emerges through the door after her, his face slightly troubled.

''That's not very manly, leaving your girlfriend alone with another guy.....'' Taehyung raises an eyebrow at Jackson.

''He didn't do anything, did he?'' Jackson peers over at you doubtfully. You shake your head. ''No, where were you?''

''I'll tell you later''


Taehyung's POV

I just had to get interrupted.


Oh well...

''Taehyung? Helloo?'' Jimin calls, waving a hand across his face. He snaps back to reality, blinking.

It was lunch break, and they were seated outside on a bench. He stares into the distance, his eyes glued towards Jackson and you.

Jackson picks up a spoonful of food, feeding you like a baby.

''Taehyung...check this out!'' Jisoo exclaims beside him, swiping through her phone.

He doesn't respond, his eyes darkening as he watches Jackson lick off some food at the corner of your lips.

Her voice calls him again. ''Taehyung-''

''Can you shut up?'' he snaps, his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. He glances sideways to the startled Jisoo. ''sorry...what?'' he sighs, running a hand through his hair.

''um...nothing'' she replies, slightly afraid.

Suppressing a sigh, he stands up and begins to walk elsewhere. Jimin and Jungkook exchange glances, following after him.

''Bro, what's up with you?'' Jungkook questions, leaning against the wall. Jimin follows his gaze, chewing his bottom lip in thought.

''You seem to be staring at Y/N a lot you like her or something?''

A few moments of silence.

''I thought I could forget about her...but I was wrong'' Taehyung mutters in silky admittance, his bangs obscuring the fire resonating in his eyes.

Jungkook and Jimin let out an excited gasp. ''....So you like her?''

''I don't like it...'' he looks up, his eyes glazed with contempt as he watches you and Jackson. ''I don't like him being with her''

''But you do realize she's with Jackson...they're dating'' Jimin states, frowning.

A soft, dark chuckle bubbles up his chest.

''I don't care'' he says, eyes lit within a fire of flaming intensity. ''I'll win her back''

A/N: things will get spicy now ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

hshhs ok anyway I want to get to know you guys

tell me smth about yourself ^̮^

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