Chapter Two

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"Well isn't this a nice surprise, Princess? I didn't actually expect you to come.", he said. Nikki grunted and stomped her foot. "Stop calling me that!", Nikki screamed. Max laughed. "But you are one. Pretty face, long hair, defensive attitude. All you need is a dress and a prince and you're set.", he said. Nikki blushed and clenched her fists. "THATS IT, IM COMING IN THERE!", she yelled. She fumbled with the keys and unlocked the door. She slammed it behind her and stomped over to Max's bed. She stood over him. "I AM SICK OF YOU!", she yelled. Max laughed and looked at her. "If you really were sick of me, you wouldn't be here.". Nikki blushed and yelled in anger. Max laughed. "You're cute when you're mad.", he said. Nikki sighed. "Whatever, I'm leaving.".
Nikki walked up the stairs, determined. She had never felt so nervous in her whole life, and she didn't know why. All she had to do was scold a annoying prisoner, nothing special about that. She sighed and tucked her stray hair behind her ear. For some reason she had decided to try to look good today, she didn't know why. She walked down the hallway until she reached Max's cell. He was laying in his bed, staring at the ceiling. Nikki banged on the bars. Max sat up and looked at her. He smiled.
She turned to leave, but Max grabbed her wrist. He pulled her towards him, causing her to stumble and land on his bed. She looked at him nervously. He was smiling. "You're not going anywhere.", he said. Nikki gulped and started to sweat. Max put his hand on her cheek. She closed her eyes tight and shook her head as fast as she could. Max laughed. "Let me go!", she said. Max shook his head. Nikki opened her eyes and looked at him. "Please?", she asked. Max smiled and shook his head. Nikki sighed. "What do you want from me?", she asked. Max smiled. "I want us to run away together, Princess.". Nikki managed to pull away. "No, I'm not gonna let you ruin my career.", she muttered.
Max sighed. "I'll convince you eventually, Princess.", he said. Nikki shook her head and ran out. She locked the door behind her and ran down the stairs. She ran to her desk and fell into her chair. She sighed and felt her face. It was wet and hot. She sighed. Why was she feeling like this? He's just some stupid prisoner. Nikki sighed and pulled out her book. She turned to the page she was on, leaned back, and started to read.
Nikki stood up and stretched. Her shift was over. She looked outside, it was pitch black. She smiled and was just about to leave, but something stopped her. She sighed, she wanted to go see Max again. She didn't know why, he was a typical douche. She had dated plenty of those, all who just wanted her body and not her. But this felt different, like Max had a different motive then just her looks. She sighed and walked up the stairs. She walked down the hallway and stopped in front of Max's cell. She banged on the bars. Max looked at her and smiled. "Why hello, Princess.", he said. Nikki rolled her eyes. "What do you need?", Max asked. Nikki sighed. "Nothing I just wanted to...see you.", she said looking down. Max smiled.
Max sighed and leaned against the wall. The prisoner in the cell across the hall laughed. "You know she's never gonna fall for you, right?", he said and cackled. Max looked at him. "I don't actually care if she stays in love with me, I just need to get her to love me just enough to set me free. Then I'll dump her, break her heart, and run away.". The prisoner laughed. "You really are evil, I wish I would come up with that idea twenty years ago. Now no girl here would ever consider this ugly old man. What are you in for?". Max smiled. "I broke into the mansion on the corner of oak street. I was playing truth or dare with a drug gang and if I won, they would give me all their goods. So they dared me to go swim in the mansions pool, and I did. But the alarms went off and I got arrested.". The prisoner laughed. "For someone so smart, you'd think you would have gotten arrested for something a little less stupid.". Max rolled his eyes. "Well what are you in for, old man?". The prisoner smiled. "I murdered five of my wifes and donated their bodies to charity.". Max scooted a little further down his bed and looked away, creeped out.
"Well ok then, so we're gonna run away together? I'll pack my bags, oh wait, I dont have any.". Nikki's shook her head. "I'm not setting you free, I just wanted to talk.". Max sighed and smiled. "Of course, talk away!", he said. Nikki unlocked the door and walked in. She closed it behind her. She walked over and sat down on Max's bed, a foot away from him. Max smiled. "So what do want to talk about Princess?", he asked. Nikki sighed. "I don't know, tell me about yourself.". Max nodded. "Well, I grew up all on my own. My parents never cared about me. I had my first cigerette when I was eleven, my first drink at thirteen, and my first weed at sixteen. Ever since then, I've been hooked. Then I dropped out of high school in ninth grade and ran away. I needed money, so I gathered drugs and sold them. I jumped house to house every night. And then I broke into a mansions pool and now I'm here.". Nikki nodded.
"Um okay...", she said. Max smiled. "So what about you?", he asked. Nikki looked at him. "Um, my childhood was nothing special. I really love nature. I've dated over fourty guys, all douches and five of them turned out to be gay. A couple months ago I walked in on my boyfriend sleeping with my best friend. I haven't talked to her after that. And since then I've never had a boyfriend.". Max nodded, he kinda felt guilty playing with her heart like this. But he shook it off, he was not spending years of his youth in prison. He smiled. "That's horrible, Princess. You deserve better.". Nikki smiled. "Yeah, I do...". Max put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her towards him. "I would never do that to you.", he said. Nikki blushed and pulled away. "I came to talk, not to fall in love.", she said. Max shrugged, "Whatever you say Princess."

CC Cop and Prisoner AU(makki)(originally from tumblr)(old)(complete)Where stories live. Discover now