Chapter Six

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Max looked around. The cell door was hanging open. He looked at Nikki. "Are you serious, Princess?", he asked. Nikki nodded, determined. Max smiled and nodded back. He stood up. "Lets get out of here.", he said. Nikki smiled. They ran out the door. They got halfway down the hallway. "You're a stupid girl, you know.". Nikki spun around and looked at the old prisoner. "What's that supposed to mean?", she asked. The man smiled. "He's using you, he's gonna ditch you the minute he gets out. He told me himself.". Max glared at him. Nikki turned to Max. "Is that true?", she asked. Max hesitated. "Well, no. It was the original plan but-".
Nikki threw the keys at Max. They hit his chest like weak bullets and skattered all over the floor, filling the hallway with ringing noise. Max looked at Nikki. Tears were rolling down her cheeks as she stared at him, "I trusted you.". She continued. "I gave up everything for you. I was ready to run away from my life that I worked hard for just to be with you. But you're just like the rest of them, selfish.". Nikki sighed and wiped her tears, but more came. "Why do I have to be so naive...". Max was speechless. "Princess...". She shook her head. "No, you're on your own now, hope you're happy.". She turned around. Suddenly a whole crowd of people ran up the stairs, led by Neil and Cady. The crowd was all cops holding loaded guns. Cady, who was also holding a loaded gun, stared at Nikki in shock. "Nikki what are you doing!?", she asked.
Nikki stared at them. She ran at full speed towards them. She ran through them and down the stairs. Max ran after her, but the crowd grabbed at him as he passed. "NIKKI WAIT!", he screamed. She ran out the door. Max ripped away from the crowd and ran out the door. He looked around, Nikki was nowhere in sight. After a second, cops were handcuffing him and dragging him back inside. They threw him into his cell. He glared at the man. "I see where Preston gets it from.", he said. The man smiled and shook his head. Max buried his head in his knees and cried. He felt like killing himself, but just cried.
Nikki looked around and ran down the streets. People moved out of her way becuase he's was still in uniform and it appeared like she was chasing someone, but she wasn't. She didn't know where she was going. The cops were definitely looking for her, she had just attempted to realise a prisoner. She ran faster. She couldn't go home, she couldn't go anywhere. She had lost everything. She clenched her fists. All becuase she fell in love with a selfish jerk. She huffed. She finally slowed to a stop. She had to have a plan. She sighed. She had no choice but to hide at her mom's house. She pulled out her phone to get a uber. As she was doing so, fantasys of Max filled her mind. She shook her head, she was never gonna talk to that man again. As long as she lived she would never talk to him, she promised herself.

CC Cop and Prisoner AU(makki)(originally from tumblr)(old)(complete)Where stories live. Discover now