Chapter Nine

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Nikki jolted up and looked around. She must've fell asleep watching TV. She stood up and stretched. A noise had woke her up. She looked at the door and swung it open. Standing their was her 21 year old cousin, Naomi. Nikki gasped. "Naomi?!", she yelled. Naomi giggled, leaned down and hugged Nikki. "ITS BEEN TOO LONG!", she screamed. Nikki laughed. Naomi let go. "You have some explaining to do.". Nikki stared at her. "What?". Naomi sighed. "This morning I saw you on the news and imeditally drove here.". "But you live hours away!", Nikki protested. Naomi rolled her eyes. "Nikki, you kept me sane through my whole childhood while my five brothers were annoying. I think I can leave Aquatapus and Alex for a day to come see you.". Nikki was confused. "Who's Aquatapus and Alex?". Naomi blushed and laughed. "Oh right! You don't know about them yet, it has been a long time. I got married to a man named Aquatapus and we adopted a baby boy, Alex. And a dog we named Dog becuase Alex can't pronounce anything else.". Nikki smiled. "Well lucky you! Now come in and let me explain.".
Naomi played with her toes and frowned. Nikki had explained the situation to her. She sighed. "Okay I have some questions. First, have you and Max had you-know-what?". Nikki blushed and shook her head violently. Naomi laughed and nodded. "Okay good, second. Do you still love Max?". The first thing Nikki thought was no, but the more she thought about it, the more she wanted Max. "No.", she lied. Naomi nodded. "Last, do you plan on staying inside for the rest of your life?". Nikki sighed. "No, just until I figure things out and get myself together.". That one wasn't a lie, she wasn't staying inside just to hide from the police. She was still heartbroken about what Max did and she didn't think she'd be ready to face the world again for a while. Naomi nodded. "Okay that's all my questions, now it's time for my opinion!".
She cleared her throat. "I think you're lying about not liking Max. You still love him, and I think he loves you. He didn't like you at first, but I think he changed his mind. But that doesn't mean you should go with him. He is still a unpredictable criminal, and what he did was wrong. I think you should hang low until this whole mess is settled and then go explain to your job what you did. If they fire you then I'll kill them, but they probably won't. You're a good cop.". Nikki sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I guess. Let's catch up!".
Over the next couple hours they talked. They caught up on family and funny stories. Nikki told Naomi about her multiple boyfriend fails. Naomi started crying when she told Nikki her oldest brother was in a car crash and died. Nikki comforted her. But mostly it was just girl talk.
Nikki stroked the brush through her wet hair. She sighed. She had just took a quick shower and was wearing the same outfit as before. Naomi was waiting in the living room. Nikki looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. Her mom was right, she would look better wearing makeup. She didn't know why she didn't, makeup always made her feel fake. Suddenly she heard a knock. She spun around and yelped. Outside the bathroom window, ten stories high, was Max hanging by some old pipes, looking at her.

CC Cop and Prisoner AU(makki)(originally from tumblr)(old)(complete)Where stories live. Discover now