Chapter Four

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Nikki walked inside and sat down in her chair. It spun around in it wheels. She smiled and sighed. All she could think about was Max. And for once, it didn't bother her one bit. Cady burst through the door, followed by some guy Nikki had never seen. Cady turned on her heel and faced Nikki. "Hey Nikki!", she said with a wink. Nikki awkwardly smiled and waved. Cady looked confused. "Neil, this is Nikki.", she said. Nikki realized what was going on. She looked at Neil. He had pale skin, a big nose, thin glasses, brown fluffy hair, a yellow tee shirt  jeans and a long lab coat. He looked uncomfortable and confused, but waved at Nikki anyway. Nikki looked at Cady. "Can I talk with you a minute?", she asked. Cady frowned and nodded. Neil got the hint and stepped outside. Nikki sighed. "What's wrong? I thought you liked him!", Cady said. Nikki bit her lip. "Well, I lied. Im sorry.", she said. Cady sighed. "You've got to be kidding me...", she muttered. Nikki shook her head. Cady sighed again. "Whatever, I'm gonna go tell Neil the news and when I come back you're gonna tell me the truth!", she yelled and stomped out. Nikki sighed, she couldn't let that happen. She booked it for the stairs.
She ran down the hall and slid into Max's cell, locking it behind her. Max looked up and smiled. "Hello Princ-". Nikki shushed him and dove under his sheets. Max looked at her, confused. "Um, Princess, shouldn't we do this somewhere else? But if you insist.". Nikki blushed kicked him from under the sheets. "Im not doing that you idiot!", she said in a sharp whisper. Max blushed a little bit, but kept his cool. "Oh I see, you're hiding aren't you?", he asked. Nikki nodded. Max smiled. "Okay then, hide as you please.", he said.
After a couple minutes they heard heels clicking down the hall. "NIKKI! WHERE ARE YOU!?", yelled Cady's voice. Nikki gasped and held her breath. Max moved so he would block the view of Nikki from outside the cell. Cady stomped closer and peeked in his cell. She grunted in frustration and stomped off. Max tapped Nikki and whispered "She's gone now.". Nikki jumped up and gasped for air. She was blushing. She turned to Max. "Thanks, I'm sorry to intrude so suddenly.", she said. Max shook his head. "Dont worry about it. I would do anything for you, Princess.". Nikki blushed and nodded. She ran out of his cell and down the hall. She slid down the stairs and dashed out the door.
The minute the cold autumn air hit her she slammed into something. She stumbled back and looked up. It was Neil. She sighed. "Sorry, don't tell Cady you saw me.", she said. Neil smiled. "It's fine, but what's this all about?". Nikki sighed again. "She knows I have a crush so I lied and made up a name as a excuse. But she thought it was you and you know...". Neil blushed and laughed. "Yeah I've been there, don't worry about it.". Nikki smiled. "Thanks, have a nice day!". She ran away, waving at him. He waved back.
Nikki jumped into her car, she would just say she felt sick or something tomorrow. Then she realized she forgot her keys on her desk. She sighed, she would have to go back in and get them.

CC Cop and Prisoner AU(makki)(originally from tumblr)(old)(complete)Where stories live. Discover now